In general, lubricating oil additives are chemically composed, and thus called synthetic, so that when added to oils, they improve their properties. Additionally, additives are also used to minimize the undesirable characteristics of formulated oils on the market.
However, there are organic lubricating oil additives, which are longer-lasting and biodegradable – naturally breaking down due to being organic. Among the many benefits they offer, one stands out: environmental preservation.
The most sought-after oil additives on the market, due to concerns in the maintenance of machinery and equipment in industries across various sectors, especially companies that have seasonal shutdowns, are the lubricating oil additives, hydraulic additives, transmission additives, etc.
However, these lubricating oil additives, whether hydraulic, for transmission, or any other type of oil, must possess an essential property for maintaining the oil’s chemical attributes and protecting the equipment against internal deterioration during machinery downtime.
Here we are talking about VCI Brasil’s organic oil additives with the renowned V-active technology – corrosion inhibitors in two phases: vapor and liquid. They are known and referred to as:
- MVSQ®1021 – a solution for diesel oil additives, specifically.
- MVSQ®1061 – a solution for lubricating oil additives, hydraulic oil, transmission oil, etc. (formulated market oils).
MVSQ®1021 and MVSQ®1061 are solutions for industrial oil additives that guarantee and enhance anticorrosive protection in the internal systems of engines and machinery in hibernation, neutralizing the acidic action of substances present in the oil itself. This ensures that when operations resume, the internal parts will be free of oxidation/rust, as is the most effective case of action of the lubricating oil additives, as guaranteed by MVSQ®1061, featuring V-active technology.
Biological contamination is another concern that VCI Brasil’s organic anticorrosive oil additives eliminate for their clients. Their composition prevents the proliferation of bacteria that form undesirable sludge at the bottom of oil compartments, which cause damage and clogging in nozzles, valves, etc.