In industrial districts, fields, rivers, seas, or wherever there is an opportunity for business development—provided logistics and infrastructure are tailored to the production reality—there will be companies established with a clear mission to operate in their specific segment.
Brazil ranks among the 15 largest industrial hubs in the world. Where industries thrive, progress follows, but this progress often comes with losses, including environmental damage, health risks, and the most common issue: corrosion. Companies that fail to invest in **anti-corrosion solutions for iron** contribute to a worrying global statistic of losses caused by rust in industrial facilities.
An **anti-corrosion solution for iron** is essential for any industry that values its assets and production, especially those working with metal or steel. Equipment and machinery must be protected with an **anti-corrosion solution for iron**, whether in operation or idle, to ensure longevity. Furthermore, a well-planned production of metal parts cannot tolerate losses due to rust caused by the absence of an **anti-corrosion solution for iron** in the process. Such negligence can result in irrecoverable losses for the company and its stakeholders.
The location and type of industry are crucial factors in identifying the right **anti-corrosion solution for iron** for each metal. V-active VCI technology offers protection for metallic surfaces both internally and externally, combating oxidation in indoor and outdoor environments. With contact inhibitors and others that act in the air phase, all possessing **anti-corrosion properties for iron**, V-active’s organic aqueous fluids and protective oils are applied in industries located in urban centers and offshore platforms alike.
A preliminary study is recommended by VCI Brasil, the developer and owner of V-active technology, which also manufactures its own products. After recommendations from their chemical specialists, the fluids containing **anti-corrosion solutions for iron** undergo rigorous protective efficacy testing to ensure they meet quality standards and perform effectively in harsh conditions.
VCI Brasil serves industries such as metallurgy, steelmaking, electronics, shipbuilding, sugar mills, mining, home appliances, petrochemicals, and oil extraction. With its fluids and packaging containing **anti-corrosion solutions for iron**, VCI Brasil helps prevent losses due to oxidation. Learn more!