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How does VCI work?

**Mechanism of Action of VCI on Metallic Surfaces**

The action of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) on metallic surfaces follows this process:

1. Sealing of the packaging containing the VCI.
2. Volatilization of the VCI.
3. Closed atmosphere containing the VCI.
4. Migration of the VCI to all cavities and areas of the metal piece.
5. Condensation of the VCI on the metallic surface.
6. Absorption of the VCI onto the metallic surface.
7. Formation of a monomolecular layer on the metallic surface.
8. Neutralization of corrosion currents.
9. Saturation of the medium with VCI (equilibrium).

**Protective Mechanism: Formation of a Uniform Monomolecular Film**

The VCI mechanism provides two primary protective effects:

– **Barrier Formation:** Prevents the contact and action of oxidizing agents on the metal surface.
– **Current Neutralization:** Neutralizes polarization currents, effectively halting the oxidation process.

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