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Cutting fluids have been used in metal machining operations for over two decades. The most commonly used cutting fluids on the market are oil-based, solvent-based, and water-based fluids. When selecting a **cutting fluid price**, several factors must be considered. Although the cost of cutting fluid represents only 0.5% of the total cost of a machining operation, it directly impacts 85% of the operation’s efficiency-related expenses.

Large companies invest heavily in advanced machining equipment for metalworking. To ensure the optimal performance of these machines, they look for high-performance products. Therefore, rather than focusing solely on **cutting fluid price**, they seek products that provide quality and long-term reliability for their machines and tools.

Along with **cutting fluid price**, the current market demands fluids that offer temporary anti-corrosion protection, high-performance lubricants, natural bactericides, and are safe for equipment operation, cost-effective, worker-friendly, and environmentally sustainable.


When comparing **cutting fluid price** among products from various manufacturers, it is impossible to make a choice that guarantees effective results in production and quality solely based on price. A competitive price should be tied to the set of benefits that a responsible and specialized company in the field can offer. These benefits may include eliminating unnecessary steps in the client’s production process, reducing machine setup time, lowering maintenance costs, and minimizing fixed expenses.

Only a company specialized in anti-corrosion solutions, such as VCI Brasil, can offer the best **cutting fluid price** for machining. Their water-based fluids feature the innovative V-active technology, delivering superior productivity and the highest anti-corrosion protection on the market.


  • Biodegradable fluid;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Incorporates V-active® technology, which uses water to disperse its active corrosion inhibitor. Water acts as a process ally, not as a severe oxidation agent. A clean and sustainable technology: the part is clean at the start and remains clean throughout;
  • Eliminates ineffective tasks/steps in various production lines;
  • Forms a dry anti-corrosion protective layer on the part that does not interfere with subsequent processes such as assembly, painting, transportation, or packaging with VCI products;
  • Keeps machines and accessories protected and clean;
  • Reduces costs related to environmental liabilities and eliminates the need for medium monitoring (MSDS);
  • Compatible with VCI packaging (volatile corrosion inhibitor).

Explore the full line of protective fluids from VCI BRASIL.

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