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When talking about a **corrosion inhibitor**, the topic inevitably leads to the company that delivers the most solutions in the anti-corrosion market: VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.


Initially specializing in the manufacture and customization of packaging to prevent rust, the company created its own **VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor)**, which in Portuguese means volatile corrosion inhibitor.

The volatile **corrosion inhibitor** VCI from VCI Brasil has been developed since 1992, improved in 1996 to be healthier and free from toxic components such as heavy metals and nitrate and nitrite salts.

Packaging tested and approved with its VCI provides chemical and physical protection for the market of equipment, parts, and components made of ferrous and non-ferrous steel. Regardless of the substrate that receives the VCI treatment, which should always be the most suitable for physical resistance, the action system triggered by VCI Brasil’s inhibitor is unquestionable for preservation.


The experience in the **corrosion inhibitor** market and the expertise of several dedicated professionals led the company to new advancements in 2004. A product capable of acting not only in the air/vapor phase, like VCI, but also in the liquid/contact phase was needed.

Thus, V-active emerged, the most incredible innovation in corrosion-inhibiting fluids from VCI Brasil, featuring two phases. An absolute success, this technology uses water to carry its corrosion protector, making it cleaner and more sustainable, marking a true revolution in the field.

These industrial protective fluids serve cutting processes, various machining operations, and also act as degreasers and protectants.

These fluids comply with international regulations restricting harmful elements. Designed for ease of application, they bring cost savings to production procedures. Lower product consumption, reduced corrective machine maintenance, shorter operation times, and better tool control are just a few of the many advantages that these protective fluids, featuring the unique two-phase corrosion inhibitor technology V-active from VCI Brasil, can offer their partners.

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