Metal part manufacturers that have embraced the concept of sustainability and belong to the select group of environmentally conscious companies are those that have incorporated an anti-rust product into their processes. This helps them minimize waste in every possible way.
The practice of using an anti-rust product—whether during production or, less ideally, only at the end—provides a significant competitive edge. By preventing losses, these companies avoid passing those costs onto their final pricing, making their products more affordable to their customers.
For safe machining with profitability, dynamic production, and effective corrosion resistance, the **V-active** line of protective fluids or additives from VCI Brasil is widely used. These anti-rust products are specifically designed for machining processes.
Using an anti-rust product during machining, degreasing, and storage of metal parts is ideal, as oxidation is a natural process for untreated steel post-transformation.
Unprotected ferrous metals exposed to oxygen in air and water quickly begin to corrode. This deterioration accelerates even further in salty, marine atmospheres without the use of an anti-rust product.
For machining metals across a variety of applications, **MVAqua 182** is an effective anti-rust product, known for its performance, lubricity, and cost-efficiency.
In fact, the entire **MVAqua 180 V-active** line from VCI Brasil, featuring dual-phase inhibitors—unique to V-active technology—delivers these unmatched performance advantages.
Most importantly, all water-based **MVAqua** products can be customized by VCI Brasil to meet the specific needs and conditions of each client. This ensures the necessary productivity and quality effectiveness. Reach out to schedule a consultation and technical visit to explore the best solutions for your business!