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We can define a corrosion treatment product as one that protects metal from oxidation, a common issue during its production cycle or even after completion and during use.


During production, a corrosion treatment product is essential for working alongside metal during transformation operations, such as machining processes.

Metal can undergo a wide variety of operations during production, either simultaneously or sequentially: cutting, drilling, milling, threading, planing, boring, reaming, sawing, broaching, grinding, tumbling, turning, filing, etc. However, after each operation, the metal always requires protection.

The challenge with these processes is that the metal becomes highly exposed where the operation takes place. Without an effective corrosion treatment product applied immediately after the intervention, the metal can begin to oxidize while waiting in storage for the next production phase.

For this reason, VCI Brasil offers the most effective water-based machining fluids as the best corrosion treatment product for production. These products enhance machine productivity, improve the finish of parts, and provide excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces.

In addition to improving machine performance and process efficiency, VCI Brasil’s protective fluids ensure that materials undergoing machining can transition through production without the need for additional corrosion treatment products. These fluids leave a monomolecular anticorrosive film on the metal’s outer layer, providing temporary protection until the next operation, typically sufficient for short durations.


After machining, the metal also requires protection from a corrosion treatment product. For this phase, VCI Brasil evaluates whether cleaning the metal will suffice to protect it until packaging.

If so, using products from the **MVAqua 200** or **MVAqua 203** V-active line will be sufficient to preserve the piece for up to 90 days indoors. For longer storage periods or transportation, an active anticorrosive packaging solution from VCI Brasil is recommended.

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