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**What is VCI?**

VCI stands for **Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor**, which refers to **a corrosion inhibitor that volatilizes**.

VCIs are **organic salts derived from amines**, which gradually volatilize, saturating the internal environment of the packaging. These salts then deposit onto the metallic surface, forming an **invisible monomolecular layer** that protects against corrosion.

When the packaging is opened, this protective layer **immediately dissipates**, leaving the metal **clean and ready for use**.

Manufactured with proprietary technology to provide specific protection for each type of metal, the Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) from VCI Brasil are **non-toxic** and **pose no risks to health or the environment**.

**Mechanism of Action of VCI on Metallic Surfaces**

The action of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) on metallic surfaces follows this process:

1. Sealing of the packaging containing the VCI.
2. Volatilization of the VCI.
3. Closed atmosphere containing the VCI.
4. Migration of the VCI to all cavities and areas of the metal piece.
5. Condensation of the VCI on the metallic surface.
6. Absorption of the VCI onto the metallic surface.
7. Formation of a monomolecular layer on the metallic surface.
8. Neutralization of corrosion currents.
9. Saturation of the medium with VCI (equilibrium).

**Protective Mechanism: Formation of a Uniform Monomolecular Film**

The VCI mechanism provides two primary protective effects:

– **Barrier Formation:** Prevents the contact and action of oxidizing agents on the metal surface.
– **Current Neutralization:** Neutralizes polarization currents, effectively halting the oxidation process.

**Advantages of V-active Technology**

– No material deposition on the metallic surface (**Clean Technology**).
– Eliminates the need for post-cleaning processes (no toxic organic solvents required).
– Metallic parts retain excellent visual presentation after storage and transport, ready for immediate use.
– Simple application with high flexibility.
– Provides chemical and mechanical resistance.
– Cost-effective: reduces the number of steps in metal packaging and unpacking processes.
– Poses no risk to human health or the environment, supporting “clean” processes.
– Biodegradable, virtually non-toxic, with some products being recyclable.

**V-active: The Evolution of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor)**

V-active represents the evolution of **VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor)**, offering the latest advancements in synthesized organic inhibitors developed by the company. It delivers exceptional performance in both contact and vapor phases. Its name reflects its active properties and the ability to migrate between compounds without compromising the stability of its formulations.

**Key Features of V-active:**
– A unique molecular structure that ensures safety for both people and the environment.
– Maintains activity on applied substrates, including paints, resins, varnishes, plastics, process fluids, and cellulose-based products, among others.

V-active is the ideal choice for sustainable and effective corrosion prevention solutions.

**V-active: Effective Action on Metals**

V-active operates effectively in the presence of metals, both in the vapor phase and through contact. It disrupts electrical activity, stabilizing the metallic surface and providing superior protection.

Discover – What Are the Advantages of V-Active?

  • Preferred bonding with most metals, including residues, rendering them inert.
  • Proven long-lasting presence of the active inhibitor on the surface.
  • Anti-corrosive safety for users during internal logistics operations.
  • Free from chemical substances listed on international negative lists of hazardous chemicals.


Expostas a diversos fatores que as deterioram e comprometem a aparência, materiais de composição metálica localizados ao ar livre, no mar, ou próximos dele, estão permanentemente necessitando reparos em suas camadas externas, principalmente. Realizar periodicamente uma higienização destas estruturas de aço, exige técnicas especiais e seguras, tanto para as pessoas quanto para as estruturas, sendo que uma delas é o hidrojateamento, com as seguintes características:

Uso de aditivo para hidrojateamento com inibidor de corrosão para metal

Segurança entre o tempo de limpeza até a realização da pintura, sem ocorrência de oxidação na superfície, devido à ação do aditivo para hidrojateamento

Técnica rápida e econômica para trabalhos difíceis e superfícies extensas (cascos de navio, por exemplo)

aditivo para hidrojateamento base água que não polua o meio ambiente

Na remoção da ferrugem, utilizando o produto com um aditivo para hidrojateamento da VCI Brasil, que é opção de produto com alto valor agregado, evita-se uso de químicos, altamente perigosos e poluentes, e de processos mecânicos que podem ferir/danificar a camada externa do metal, exigindo reparos custosos.


Usando um aditivo para hidrojateamento contendo inibidor de corrosão, com propriedade retardadora da ação da ferrugem sobre o metal, as vantagens aumentam e você tem mais tempo para proteger o material com a nova camada a ser empregada, seja ela tinta, verniz ou outra de sua preferência. O aditivo para hidrojateamento MVSQ 1712, V-active, VCI Brasil, atribui ao metal uma película de proteção pós lavagem hidrojato com estas características e é indicado para:

  • tubulações e metais, metalurgia;
  • serviços pesados de limpeza, remoção de incrustações e tintas;
  • fornos de refinaria, tanques industriais;
  • indústria naval, plataformas de petróleo, petroquími


    Metal structures exposed to various deteriorating factors, especially those located outdoors, at sea, or near marine environments, frequently require repairs to their external layers. Regular cleaning of these steel structures demands specialized and safe techniques for both the personnel and the materials, one of which is hydroblasting. This method features the following characteristics:

    – Use of **additive for hydroblasting** with corrosion inhibitors for metal.
    – Protection against oxidation during the time between cleaning and painting due to the action of the **additive for hydroblasting**.
    – A fast and cost-effective technique for challenging tasks and large surfaces (e.g., ship hulls).
    – Water-based **additive for hydroblasting** that is environmentally friendly.

    During rust removal, utilizing a product with a **hydroblasting additive** from VCI Brasil offers a high-value solution that avoids the use of hazardous chemicals and mechanical processes that might damage the metal’s surface, reducing costly repairs.


    Using a **hydroblasting additive** containing a corrosion inhibitor with rust-retarding properties enhances the benefits of this method. It extends the time available to apply a protective layer, such as paint, varnish, or other finishes. The **MVSQ 1712** V-active additive from VCI Brasil creates a protective film on the metal surface after hydroblasting, offering these characteristics and is recommended for:

    – Pipes and metals in metallurgy.
    – Heavy-duty cleaning tasks, including removing scale and paint.
    – Refinery furnaces and industrial tanks.
    – Naval industries, oil platforms, and petrochemical facilities.

    The **MVSQ 1712** V-active additive is an organic product. After its application, painting can proceed seamlessly, as it even enhances paint adhesion, eliminating the need for removal before painting.


    – Provides oxidation protection for up to 48 hours before the next protective layer is applied.
    – Enables “indoor” storage of the treated metal.
    – Suitable for multiple industries and heavy-duty tasks.

    This **hydroblasting additive** is a comprehensive solution for preserving metal surfaces, simplifying processes, and ensuring long-term protection. Contact VCI Brasil for more information.cas.

Para dizer mais deste aditivo para hidrojateamento MVSQ 1712 V-active, sua composição é orgânica e, após seu uso no metal, a pintura pode ser realizada sem problema algum, pois ele até mesmo auxilia na fixação. Portanto, não precisa ser retirado para aplicação da tinta.

A segurança contra oxidação que este aditivo para hidrojateamento concede é de 48 horas até que a superfície venha a receber a camada de proteção seguinte. O metal deverá ficar estocado “indoor”.


**Oil additives** are essential supplements in environments where industrial oils are used, ensuring stability and integrity over time.

Machines and equipment in the oil and gas industry, as well as in sugar mills and other sectors, rely on industrial oils to function. These range from large-scale machinery to medium and small-sized equipment, each requiring specific classes of **oil additives** tailored to their motors and operational demands.

The **oil additives** with anti-corrosion inhibitors from the V-active technology, developed by the Brazilian multinational VCI Brasil, are specifically designed to preserve industrial oils during maintenance and hibernation periods, including:

  • **Lubricating oil additives**
  • **Hydraulic oil additives**
  • **Transmission oil additives**


Atmospheric water is a significant issue for fuels, especially oils. To address sludge formation in engine compartments, particularly those using diesel oil, VCI Brasil has developed **organic oil additives**, such as the water- and oil-soluble **MSQ 1021**, specifically designed for diesel.

The V-active technology ensures that the anti-corrosion inhibitor acts both where the oil contacts the metal surface and in areas where it does not, making it unnecessary to fill the entire compartment. It prevents bacterial growth, preserves the chemical properties of the oil, and protects equipment for extended periods.

Notably, in this technology, water acts as a facilitator, serving as a transport medium for the anti-corrosion inhibitor. This means the technology not only tolerates water but also mitigates its adverse effects on oil.

The **MVSQ 1061 additive**, an organic V-active composition, provides the same anti-corrosion security for various industrial oils. It is mixable with manufactured oils and oil-based solutions but is not water-miscible. However, its corrosion inhibitor functions both in contact and vapor phases.

For equipment, machinery, metal parts, or any assets requiring preservation or anti-corrosion solutions, VCI Brasil offers customized projects and expert assistance. Their mission is to provide the best solutions while reducing costs and adding value to clients.

**Contact: 14-2106-6600** to learn more!


**Hydraulic oil additives** are excellent supplements to hydraulic oils, which already contain components designed to reduce the strain on heavy-load motors and lubricate internal system parts.

However, when dealing with idle equipment, **hydraulic oil additives** serve a more specific purpose. They enhance existing properties of the oil, such as lubrication and anti-corrosion, intensifying these benefits. For example:

Antioxidant Properties

One of the anti-corrosion **hydraulic oil additives** from VCI Brasil, **MVSQ 1061**, is specifically formulated for industrial oils used in hibernating machinery. This additive features an organic composition, which ensures compatibility with various environments. It does not damage plastics, rubber, seals, or hoses within systems and equipment.


**Hydraulic oil additives** containing corrosion inhibitors are essential for maintaining oil-driven machinery and motors (prone to water contamination) during periods of inactivity. These are especially critical in industries with seasonal operations, such as oil & gas, sugar and ethanol mills, and petroleum industries. They provide internal protection for the equipment and fuel, ensuring that operations resume smoothly after downtime.

VCI Brasil recommends these **hydraulic oil additives** to prevent business losses and add value to operations by protecting machinery. **MVSQ 1061, V-active**, not only provides lubrication and anti-oxidation but also forms a protective film on metal surfaces, shielding them from corrosion and avoiding cracks and other severe rust-related issues.


V-active hydraulic oil additives feature dual-phase active corrosion inhibitors: vapor and liquid.

– **Vapor phase:** The additives sublimate and adhere to areas not covered by liquid, forming a protective layer and filling empty spaces.
– **Liquid phase:** These additives prevent corrosion, repel water, and adhere to metal surfaces.


When selecting **hydraulic oil additives**, opt for organic options. They are compatible with most industrial oils and do not cause issues such as filter clogging or clumping. These additives provide superior performance while maintaining operational efficiency.


In general, lubricating oil additives are chemically composed, and thus called synthetic, so that when added to oils, they improve their properties. Additionally, additives are also used to minimize the undesirable characteristics of formulated oils on the market.

However, there are organic lubricating oil additives, which are longer-lasting and biodegradable – naturally breaking down due to being organic. Among the many benefits they offer, one stands out: environmental preservation.

The most sought-after oil additives on the market, due to concerns in the maintenance of machinery and equipment in industries across various sectors, especially companies that have seasonal shutdowns, are the lubricating oil additives, hydraulic additives, transmission additives, etc.

However, these lubricating oil additives, whether hydraulic, for transmission, or any other type of oil, must possess an essential property for maintaining the oil’s chemical attributes and protecting the equipment against internal deterioration during machinery downtime.


Here we are talking about VCI Brasil’s organic oil additives with the renowned V-active technology – corrosion inhibitors in two phases: vapor and liquid. They are known and referred to as:

  • MVSQ®1021 – a solution for diesel oil additives, specifically.
  • MVSQ®1061 – a solution for lubricating oil additives, hydraulic oil, transmission oil, etc. (formulated market oils).

MVSQ®1021 and MVSQ®1061 are solutions for industrial oil additives that guarantee and enhance anticorrosive protection in the internal systems of engines and machinery in hibernation, neutralizing the acidic action of substances present in the oil itself. This ensures that when operations resume, the internal parts will be free of oxidation/rust, as is the most effective case of action of the lubricating oil additives, as guaranteed by MVSQ®1061, featuring V-active technology.

Biological contamination is another concern that VCI Brasil’s organic anticorrosive oil additives eliminate for their clients. Their composition prevents the proliferation of bacteria that form undesirable sludge at the bottom of oil compartments, which cause damage and clogging in nozzles, valves, etc.

A **metal anti-corrosion solution**, commonly referred to as a protective agent, serves the fundamental purpose of safeguarding metal surfaces against frequent and common corrosive actions, such as electrochemical oxidation, which is more prevalent in our daily lives than we may realize. The most suitable **metal anti-corrosion solution** for each product depends on the specific characteristics of the surface being protected, as each has unique chemical properties that must be considered.

In the **metal anti-corrosion** market, various types of multi-metal protective agents are commonly available. However, it is essential to consider the required protection duration—whether short- or long-term. As this market becomes increasingly demanding due to substantial losses caused by corrosion, some manufacturers now offer oil-based **metal anti-corrosion solutions** that provide both corrosion protection and a physical barrier. Water-based solutions, on the other hand, deliver efficient corrosion protection while being environmentally friendly and safe for workers.


To select a **metal anti-corrosion solution** that provides the appropriate protection for your specific product, accounts for necessary durations during various production stages, and considers transportation and storage times, it is crucial to partner with a company that has proven expertise and international success stories. VCI Brasil, with its wide range of corrosion prevention solutions, is such a company.

VCI Brasil manufactures both water- and oil-based protective agents using its exclusive V-active technology. This technology includes an active corrosion inhibitor that protects both external and internal surfaces (such as tanks and pipelines). It works through contact or evaporation within enclosed compartments, diffusing the inhibitor across the walls.


  • The most effective corrosion protection available on the market.
  • Water-based products certified for biodegradability and oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicity by competent authorities.
  • Oil-based products offering both chemical and physical barriers.
  • Fluids that form transparent and efficient anti-oxidation films.
  • Explore the complete range of protective agents tailored for different types of metals.


In an environment where material loss due to corrosion accounts for approximately 5% annually, an **industrial anti-corrosion solution** is essential across most market segments. This is especially true for sectors with equipment, machinery, and structures near the sea, exposed to harsh weather conditions, or operating in hostile environments. With the modernization and development of industries such as metalworking, agro-industrial, steelmaking, construction, oil and gas, sugarcane processing, medical, mining, sanitation, and others, the **industrial anti-corrosion solution** has become critical in reducing production costs, maintaining equipment, and ensuring both financial and reputational stability for companies.

An inappropriate **industrial anti-corrosion solution** can lead to unexpected leaks from tanks or pipelines due to surface abrasion, resulting in severe damage to soil, air, water, or human life. Companies are held accountable for environmental damage, whether intentional or accidental, and may face fines or legal action depending on the severity of the situation.

**Industrial anti-corrosion solutions** can take the form of liquid resin coatings, protective oils, or water-based protective fluids with organic compositions. A specialized and technically knowledgeable team, such as the one at VCI Brasil, is crucial for recommending the best **industrial anti-corrosion solution**. With three decades of experience in the anti-corrosion market, VCI Brasil offers the most effective water-, oil-, and solvent-based solutions for protecting industrial equipment across various sectors, including metalworking, steelmaking, oil, sugarcane processing, agro-industrial, metal mechanics, and mining.


A proven option for superior productivity and oxidation resistance is the **industrial anti-corrosion** V-active line from VCI Brasil. These fluids adhere to international standards prohibiting toxic substances, ensuring safety and compliance. Easy to apply, they save production time and offer significant benefits, such as:
– Improved equipment availability for production.
– Reduced maintenance needs.
– Lower product consumption.

Explore how VCI Brasil’s anti-corrosion solutions can enhance your operations.


Every organization operating under governmental regulations must classify its products according to the standard nomenclature for each sector. This standard is critical for the proper trade of goods. The NCM (Nomenclature for Mercosur) was established to facilitate trade among Mercosur countries. In the anti-corrosion sector, customers can search for **anti-corrosion NCM** to find the product and review its basic composition.

Invoices must include the NCM code for the merchandise. Ensuring the correct NCM code is the only way to guarantee that the product meets your needs. Knowing the NCM code provides not only the product’s origin but also its composition and application. An **anti-corrosion NCM** specifies the product’s classification, such as whether it is water- or oil-based.


An **anti-corrosion NCM** under code **34.0399.00** refers to an aqueous fluid with an anti-corrosion inhibitor enhanced with V-active. These products include:
– Lubricants with high lubricity and cooling properties.
– Degreasers with superior cleaning power and long-lasting protection.
– Protectors that act in both the vapor and liquid phases, shielding internal compartment walls and maintaining liquids free from microbial contamination.

These water-based fluids are environmentally friendly and do not pollute.

NCM 27.1012.30 – V-ACTIVE

The **anti-corrosion NCM** under code **27.1012.30** refers to oil-based products with organic composition. These products form a rust-preventive protective film and a physical barrier over the metal surface. In environments with challenging conditions—such as proximity to maritime atmospheres, adverse weather, high humidity in storage facilities, and other factors—oil-based protection provides extended and more robust oxidation resistance.

VCI Brasil manufactures protective fluids under NCM codes **34.0399.00** and **27.1012.30**, leveraging the V-active anti-corrosion fluid technology. Additionally, under the **27.1012.30** NCM, VCI Brasil offers a fluid capable of transforming the atmosphere in closed environments, such as air and maritime containers, ensuring that susceptible cargo remains in perfect condition during transit.

Visit the VCI Brasil website to explore the complete line of anti-corrosion solutions.

The mere presence of moisture in the air initiates the oxidation process in steel and various metals. This highlights the necessity of using an **anti-corrosion solution for steel** to protect it and maintain its usability across various applications. Beyond air, water poses the greatest threat to steel manufacturers and industrialists who invest heavily in modern facilities and large machines to expedite production. For these stakeholders, an **anti-corrosion solution for steel** is not just necessary—it is crucial for protecting both their production output and machinery, ensuring the longevity of their investment.

The annual loss due to the oxidation of metallic materials is staggering. Estimates suggest that 30% of steel production is allocated solely to replacing losses caused by rust—a colossal waste of raw materials and labor.


When evaluating an **anti-corrosion solution for steel**, protective efficiency is the most critical factor. Corrosion during production, storage, and transport accounts for the largest losses in this industry. Each scenario demands a tailored treatment, but the most effective approach is to plan production processes that keep machines and parts free from oxidation right from the start. This ensures that the final product reaches the customer in perfect condition, ready for immediate use.


The **anti-corrosion solution for steel** market is vast, offering solvent-based, water-based, and oil-based products. Solvent- and oil-based solutions are often avoided when possible due to their environmental impact, high disposal costs, and potential legal liabilities. As a result, water-based solutions are the preferred option whenever feasible.

VCI Brasil, with 28 years of expertise in anti-corrosion solutions, offers a variety of products, including lubricants, degreasers, protectors, and more with antioxidant properties. Their specialized team evaluates your processes to recommend the best **anti-corrosion solution for steel**, always aiming to maximize your return on investment and ensure your well-being.


Moisture is one of the leading culprits affecting major industries such as metallurgy, oil and gas, steelmaking and wire drawing, mining, agro-industrial sectors, and more. Wherever moisture exists—and it is ubiquitous—the risk of oxidation poses a significant threat to unprotected metal surfaces and water-contaminated oils.

The absence of an **anti-corrosion solution for water** to protect industrial yards, million-dollar productions of parts, massive oil platforms, storage tanks for cereals, pumps, valves, and pipelines can result in exorbitant financial losses for any company.


The anti-corrosion market is vast, but in the water-based category, VCI Brasil is the leading choice for an **anti-corrosion solution for water**. Using advanced technology with an active antioxidant inhibitor, known as V-active, VCI Brasil redefines the challenges posed by moisture. This innovative approach turns the moisture from humidity into an ally in rust prevention and bacterial control in oils, such as diesel reservoir tanks.

VCI Brasil’s contemporary technology is designed with environmental responsibility in mind. These anti-corrosion products can be used with cutting fluids for machining all metal types, surface protectors, internal protection for concurrent vessels, pressure-washer degreasers, and neutralizers.


Certain harsh conditions call for an **oil-based anti-corrosion solution for water**. This is particularly true for metal parts stored long-term in open spaces, exposed to variable weather conditions such as sun, rain, and significant temperature changes. Under these circumstances, applying an **anti-corrosion solution for water** that forms both a physical and chemical protective barrier is more effective.

VCI Brasil, with extensive experience in manufacturing oil-based protective products, also offers industrial additives for various oils. These products, classified under NCM 38.2499.41, feature V-active antioxidant protection technology with a rare molecular structure that delivers exceptional stability to metals. Explore V-active protective additives today.


It is a mistake to assume that aluminum, being a more noble metal with a natural oxide layer that protects its surface when exposed to air and moisture, does not undergo corrosion or that manufacturers in this market are not concerned with an **anti-corrosion solution for aluminum**.

Aluminum, abundant in nature and capable of undergoing countless recycling processes without losing its chemical and physical properties, experiences varying degrees of oxidation depending on its proximity to marine environments, exposure to harsh weather conditions, or placement in adverse industrial environments. This makes a suitable **anti-corrosion solution for aluminum** essential based on the environment it will encounter.

Modern companies, particularly those in the automotive sector and manufacturers of vehicle bodies, silos, tanks, and household utilities, recognize the exceptional physical and chemical properties of aluminum and increasingly use it in their products.

These industries, characterized by advanced technologies, focus not only on their production equipment but also on minimizing raw material waste—whether ferrous or non-ferrous metals. To this end, they adopt cleaner and more efficient methods that provide a safer, higher-quality environment, achievable only with an **anti-corrosion solution for aluminum**.


Water-based fluid technology is the cleanest and most innovative solution for machining, degreasing, protection, and neutralization of aluminum. At VCI Brasil, a company specializing in **anti-corrosion solutions for aluminum**, you will find lubricants, degreasers, protectors, and neutralizers composed of organic materials—non-toxic and biodegradable. These products are synonymous with sustainability and success, as they reduce losses in raw materials, rework, and other inefficiencies.

VCI Brasil exclusively manufactures its **water-based anti-corrosion solution for aluminum** under the V-active line. The V-active technology enables the formation of an anti-corrosion layer on the metal surface, providing temporary protection tailored to the needs of each process.

Contact one of our representatives through the website or email us at info@ingles.vcibrasil.com.br.


In industrial districts, fields, rivers, seas, or wherever there is an opportunity for business development—provided logistics and infrastructure are tailored to the production reality—there will be companies established with a clear mission to operate in their specific segment.

Brazil ranks among the 15 largest industrial hubs in the world. Where industries thrive, progress follows, but this progress often comes with losses, including environmental damage, health risks, and the most common issue: corrosion. Companies that fail to invest in **anti-corrosion solutions for iron** contribute to a worrying global statistic of losses caused by rust in industrial facilities.

An **anti-corrosion solution for iron** is essential for any industry that values its assets and production, especially those working with metal or steel. Equipment and machinery must be protected with an **anti-corrosion solution for iron**, whether in operation or idle, to ensure longevity. Furthermore, a well-planned production of metal parts cannot tolerate losses due to rust caused by the absence of an **anti-corrosion solution for iron** in the process. Such negligence can result in irrecoverable losses for the company and its stakeholders.


The location and type of industry are crucial factors in identifying the right **anti-corrosion solution for iron** for each metal. V-active VCI technology offers protection for metallic surfaces both internally and externally, combating oxidation in indoor and outdoor environments. With contact inhibitors and others that act in the air phase, all possessing **anti-corrosion properties for iron**, V-active’s organic aqueous fluids and protective oils are applied in industries located in urban centers and offshore platforms alike.

A preliminary study is recommended by VCI Brasil, the developer and owner of V-active technology, which also manufactures its own products. After recommendations from their chemical specialists, the fluids containing **anti-corrosion solutions for iron** undergo rigorous protective efficacy testing to ensure they meet quality standards and perform effectively in harsh conditions.

VCI Brasil serves industries such as metallurgy, steelmaking, electronics, shipbuilding, sugar mills, mining, home appliances, petrochemicals, and oil extraction. With its fluids and packaging containing **anti-corrosion solutions for iron**, VCI Brasil helps prevent losses due to oxidation. Learn more!

Metal oxidation is a common phenomenon present in our daily lives, appearing in forms as varied as a steel wool sponge in the kitchen sink, the colossal structure of an oil platform, a magnificent bridge, or the infrastructure of a towering skyscraper. The need for an **anti-corrosion solution for oxidation** arises everywhere—from homes and offices to cars and industries—making it an essential product tailored to different types of metals.

Today, there is an **anti-corrosion solution for oxidation** suitable for every consumer, market segment, and metal property. These solutions are offered with varying degrees of impact on the health of workers, companies, and the environment. Conscious choices by business owners are vital since many options exist. It is crucial to select a solution that not only ensures effective protection against oxidation but also provides additional benefits.


The V-active line of organic and oil-based protective solutions from VCI Brasil offers unique surface protection for metals. These imperceptible films provide both chemical protection—preventing oxidation—and physical defense.

The **MVOil 800** is an example of these protective solutions. Its wax-based layer safeguards the metal efficiently for up to 6 months in outdoor conditions. Once removed, the part remains in perfect condition for use. The MVOil V-active line is ideal for large-scale applications requiring protection against aggressive humidity.


An **anti-corrosion solution for oxidation** can address various needs when applied to different objects, as long as the goal is to prevent rust formation. The **MVOil 808 V-active** is perfect for chains with seals, suitable for motorcycles, bicycles, industrial chains, and even household applications.

Available in spray form, it can be conveniently used for:
– Lubricating and protecting window or door hinges against weather damage.
– Silencing and easing the movement of car doors.
– Restoring the smooth operation of gears or equipment that are hard to turn.

These and other everyday uses make it an indispensable tool for protecting against oxidation.

Explore our wide range of anti-corrosion fluids for your specific needs!


An anti-corrosion fluid can be used to prevent corrosion in water, oxide, oil deterioration treatments in tanks contaminated with water, and more. It is common for those in metallurgy and steel industries, such as wire drawing mills and steel plants, to **buy fluid** for machining metals. However, anti-rust fluids have a wide range of applications.

Some fluids used in metalworking help facilitate various machining operations while protecting the parts from oxidation throughout the manufacturing process. By **buying anti-corrosion fluid** for these operations, you ensure that parts remain rust-free from the start to the end of production. If you **buy protective aqueous fluid** for degreasing, you can rest assured that the parts will reach the packaging stage free of corrosion and ready to be shipped in VCI anti-rust packaging.

Other fluids are designed for pipeline protection, acting as dual-phase inhibitors in contact and vapor phases. These are specifically tailored to protect internal surfaces and air within pipes, tanks, or closed vessels. **Buying fluid** for this type of protection requires a technical study by an expert, as calculations are needed to ensure protective efficiency. VCI Brasil has the right team to recommend the best fluid for your business.


Referred to as additives or anti-corrosion fluids, these products are added to oils such as diesel, hydraulic oils, lubricants, transmission oils, etc., to protect them from water contamination. These fluids prevent bacterial colonies from forming in oils, maintaining their chemical and physical properties. Industries like sanitation, oil and gas, refrigeration, hydroelectric plants, and power plants commonly require these products.

At VCI Brasil, you can **buy organic fluid** with the confidence that you’re acquiring a product developed with the highest environmental and quality standards. For certain metals or processes, oily products may be more suitable. However, whenever possible, VCI Brasil recommends products with lower disposal costs to minimize environmental liability and potential health risks.


A **concentrated degreaser**, or detergent, is designed to eliminate impurities such as oils, grease, fungi, encrustations, tar, and more from machinery, floors, engines, metal parts, walls, roofs, ships, and other surfaces. The **concentrated degreaser** can be applied manually or mechanically, depending on the level of contamination and the type of cleaning required.

The cleanliness of an establishment leaves a strong first impression on both workers and customers, fostering a sense of well-being in a clean environment. A **concentrated degreaser** that is biodegradable and non-toxic to people and the surrounding environment is highly desirable. Its efficiency and ease of use make it a preferred choice for clients seeking a fast and practical cleaning solution.

Clean factories ensure better equipment performance and reduce the likelihood of accidents.

The **AF Line 30.03 Agroindustrial Detergent**, part of the VCI Brasil AF Line, is highly recommended for cleaning floors, walls, roofs, industrial equipment, and agricultural machinery. It replaces solvents and removes heavy petroleum residues, mold, fungi, and more. Once dry, it forms a monomolecular anti-corrosion film on the treated surface.


A **concentrated degreaser** with anti-rust properties offers multiple benefits for chains on motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs, and similar equipment. Dirt buildup on chains can lead to increased friction and wear, affecting performance and longevity. Using a concentrated degreaser not only cleans and lubricates the chain but also protects it, extending its life and improving machine performance.

VCI Brasil’s **WB Line V6 Chain Clean/Grease Remover** is a specialized degreaser for motorcycle chains. Try it for optimal results!


VCI Brasil developed the **concentrated degreaser** **MVOil 753**, a solvent-based product that is water-emulsifiable, designed for heavy-duty manual cleaning of metal parts, equipment, and engines. It is a cost-effective solution that can be used either pure or diluted, depending on the level of contamination. This degreaser is a safer alternative to toxic cleaning agents such as diesel oil, gasoline, and kerosene.


An **oil degreaser** for removing oil and other greasy residues is ideal for large-scale washing in industrial washing machines, particularly in segmented production lines where the design and production process allow for this cleaning method.

Companies aiming to minimize environmental and labor-related liabilities, reduce the processing time for metal parts, prevent losses due to oxidized materials during storage and transportation, and ensure over 30 days of safe indoor storage for cleaned parts, should explore the **oil degreaser** solutions from VCI Brasil. This globally renowned company, based in São Paulo, offers cutting-edge **V-active** technology.

VCI Brasil provides the following water-based **oil degreasers**:

  • MVAqua 200 – V-active
  • MVAqua 203 – V-active

These fluids are designed for use in both machines and manual cleaning methods, including immersion and other applications. Dilution ratios are recommended by expert chemists based on the type and degree of contamination.

One of the key features of these **oil degreasers** is their compatibility with rubber, plastic, paint, and other sensitive materials, ensuring that these surfaces remain unaffected during the cleaning process.


For heavy-duty cleaning of larger areas, such as machinery, heavy equipment, and fixed metal parts, **MVOil 753 V-active**, another **oil degreaser** developed by VCI Brasil, is recommended.

This solvent-based degreaser is water-emulsifiable and specifically designed for tough cleaning tasks involving grease, oil, and other residues on metal parts and surfaces. It effectively replaces toxic cleaning agents like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene, providing a more economical and safer solution. The product can be used diluted or undiluted, depending on the level of contamination.

In addition to their superior cleaning power, V-active degreasers form a protective anti-corrosive film on metal surfaces, preventing oxidation and extending the life of the parts.

Contact VCI Brasil to learn more about their comprehensive range of cleaning and protection solutions.

A high-quality **industrial degreaser** not only meets client needs but also incorporates surfactants that effectively perform their intended function while being environmentally safe and non-harmful to handlers. The ideal degreaser adheres to regulatory standards to establish itself in the market.


From small tasks to large-scale operations, an **industrial degreaser** performs specialized cleaning tailored to various market sectors. These solutions handle demanding cleaning tasks that require chemical and physical action, either in tandem or separately. The most sought-after degreasers are biodegradable, crafted with organic compounds, water-based, and free from hazardous toxic substances, reflecting a commitment to environmental stewardship.

Industries across different sectors demand diverse detergents. Some require anti-corrosion protection to safeguard surfaces post-cleaning, while others focus solely on cleaning, such as washing walls, roofs, and floors, which necessitate different finishes.

Anti-corrosive degreasers, made with environmentally conscious formulations, are a specialty of VCI Brasil. When applied to metal cleaning operations, VCI Brasil’s **industrial degreasers**, known for their V-active anti-corrosion technology, ensure effectiveness in the cleaning process while providing efficient rust protection.


The most recommended degreasers from VCI Brasil for production lines in the metalworking and oil & gas sectors are **MVAqua 203** and **MVAqua 200**, respectively. These products have demonstrated significant success in multinational companies, not only delivering financial benefits but also rescuing entire production lines hampered by the lack of an appropriate cleaning solution.

VCI Brasil also offers products for **industrial degreasing** in electrical and electronic panel maintenance. The **MVCleaner V-active**, known for its unique multimetal properties, cleans panel contacts, removing any traces of oxidation. It eliminates the need for highly toxic chemicals like perchloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene while leaving an anti-corrosion protective layer on the internal surface of the panel post-cleaning.

Every industrial degreaser offers technical benefits, allowing customers to find a **competitive price for industrial degreasers** in the fluid market, especially when considering protective degreasers like those offered by VCI Brasil.


The **price of VCI Brasil’s industrial degreaser** reflects its ability to deliver superior cleaning and protection throughout the processes it supports. This is a value-added concept that the company provides to its clients.

When customers search solely for the **price of an industrial degreaser**, they risk choosing a product that may fail to meet the hygiene standards required for their parts. This can result in leftover particles on the pieces, which could compromise subsequent processes, damage the client’s reputation, or even lead to contract breaches due to defective parts.


A **competitive price for an industrial degreaser** includes both affordability and performance. The product must clean effectively and protect the item, as is the case with VCI Brasil’s degreasing fluids.

Known as **V-active**, these fluids predominantly use a water base to clean and degrease while leaving a protective anti-oxidation layer on the surface, creating a temporary barrier against rust.

The most popular protective degreasing fluids among VCI Brasil’s customers are:
– **V-active MVAqua 200 and MVAqua 203**: Primarily used in the metalworking industry, offering up to 90 days of indoor protection.
– **MVAqua 200**: Recommended for degreasing in the Oil & Gas industry.
– **MVOil 753**: Suitable for heavy manual cleaning in the steel industry.

VCI Brasil’s **industrial degreasers** also offer a significant advantage: they reduce production steps in metal parts manufacturing.

This innovation boosts market competitiveness by:
– Eliminating unnecessary production steps.
– Reducing labor costs.
– Increasing productivity.
– Lowering fixed production costs.

Furthermore, VCI Brasil’s industrial degreasers ensure a healthier environment for both operators and the industry. Check out their range for a cleaner and more efficient solution!

A **packaging for metal parts** is a product specifically designed for a niche market where it contributes to the overall value of the client’s merchandise. It is essential for ensuring a commitment to quality delivery and readiness for immediate use in the buyer’s production line.

The **packaging for metal parts** requires an analysis of the environment—how and where it is manufactured—to understand the storage conditions, such as humidity levels, and to provide better recommendations for packing, storing, and, if necessary, transportation.

Oxidation remains a primary concern for these business owners, contributing to an annual waste of around 5% due to steel deterioration.


The most suitable **packaging for metal parts** must provide both chemical and physical protection. This ensures defense against rust and potential impacts during handling and transportation. With these protection principles in mind, VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. has been innovating and manufacturing the most efficient **packaging for metal parts** for nearly three decades, serving both national and international markets.


The ideal material might be:
– A customized cellulose plate.
– A plastic bag tailored to specific dimensions.
– A raffia mesh treated with VCI Brasil’s volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI).

The appropriate physical medium is determined by VCI Brasil’s skilled product engineering team, which analyzes the client’s process and merchandise. The material that carries the VCI—acting as a corrosion prevention agent—or that provides physical support for the load is selected based on the conditions the **packaging for metal parts** will face, such as temperature, climate, and logistical challenges.

Of all materials, paper offers the highest protective capability in highly humid environments. As **packaging for metal parts**, paper is recommended for its superior absorption of the inhibitor and ease of recycling. Similarly, VCI-treated plastic from VCI Brasil is suitable for metals based on the conditions they will encounter post-packaging.

For further details, consult VCI Brasil representatives.

**Anti-corrosion packaging** is specifically designed to preserve products in the metal parts manufacturing market, where oxidation poses a significant risk that must be addressed in production planning.

In a not-so-distant past, many metal part manufacturers relied on grease- or oil-based products to protect their production during storage. While the advent of **anti-corrosion packaging** has reduced this practice, some companies still use it, causing unnecessary environmental harm.


The security that more conservative entrepreneurs once felt in the environmentally harmful use of grease and oil to preserve parts has been challenged. Many have shifted their trust to **anti-corrosion packaging**, particularly after VCI Brasil entered the market. By developing its own VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor), VCI Brasil demonstrated unparalleled efficiency and performance, ensuring rust protection under various adverse temperature and climate conditions. This led to a significant conceptual shift in the industry: parts became cleaner and ready for use upon delivery to the client, eliminating pre-use cleaning stages. This change reduced waste for all parties, including the environment.


In addition to producing protective fluids and coil and roll packaging machines, VCI Brasil is a manufacturer of **anti-corrosion packaging**. With expertise in creating specialized packaging to prevent rust, VCI Brasil has a skilled team to assess each client’s needs and make the appropriate recommendations.

Based on these recommendations, the ideal type of VCI, the best material (such as paper, laminated or raffia paper, plain or bubble film, stretch or shrink film, laminated or delaminated raffia, cellulose liners, etc.), and the optimal format will be suggested.

It’s important to note that to qualify as **anti-corrosion packaging**, the material must be treated with a volatile corrosion inhibitor. This treatment guarantees protection as long as the packaging remains sealed. Once opened, the protective capability diminishes as the packaging is exposed to air.

Specifically designed to add value to merchandise, **packaging for metal parts** is essential in the ferrous and non-ferrous metals market. Always developed with the challenges the product will face from packing to delivery in mind, **packaging for metal parts** can be made from plastic, raffia, paper, or other physical materials capable of incorporating a corrosion inhibitor for added protection.

Various companies offer a wide range of inhibitors for **packaging for metal parts**. However, it is common to find products containing highly toxic agents, including banned salts such as nitrites and nitrates, along with numerous carcinogenic substances listed in restricted chemical inventories.


The **packaging for metal parts** from VCI Brasil, recognized for almost 30 years, is chemically treated with their proprietary VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor). Free from substances harmful to health or the environment, it is one of the most recommended inhibitors in its category.

Whether it is paper, laminated raffia screens, plain or laminated plastics, cellulose sheets, or other materials, the key feature of **packaging for metal parts** lies in the inhibitor they are treated with. This inhibitor must provide the most suitable corrosion protection for the environment in which the packaging will be used. At VCI Brasil, packaging is customized and supplied as sheets, bags, or rolls, depending on the consumer’s needs.


Paper can be plain or reinforced to provide greater versatility or resistance, depending on its intended use. Treated with VCI Brasil’s active volatile corrosion inhibitor, the **Raffia Paper VCI**, for example, offers protection against the harsh and oxidizing marine atmosphere and the physical strength required to withstand the barriers encountered during intermodal transportation for exports.

The **VCI Bubble Film** is ideal for packaging that needs to absorb impacts during cargo handling. VCI Brasil is known for producing bags made from this film, sized to wrap large-volume parts, such as automotive body components and irregularly shaped, heavy, and bulky items, including entire machines.


To achieve reduced temperatures during metal machining, it is essential to **buy coolant fluid** to meet this goal. If the metal can be machined using a water-based coolant fluid, it can further decrease temperatures. However, not all metals are suitable for this due to fire risks during operation, as is the case with magnesium, which must be machined dry.

Buying **coolant fluid** is also crucial for prolonging tool life, maintaining dimensional accuracy of parts, and ensuring optimal performance of machine tools. This product directly affects the tools, machines, and production outcomes.

When choosing to **buy coolant fluid**, liquid options are typically the most preferred due to their lubricating and cooling properties. Gaseous fluids primarily cool, while solid fluids mainly lubricate. However, beyond the state of the fluid, it is fundamental to seek a reputable international manufacturer to ensure quality when you **buy coolant fluid**.

The market offers a wide variety of these products, so careful selection is essential.


VCI Brasil, a Brazilian multinational, is a trusted source for purchasing water-based coolant fluids. These fluids incorporate the innovative V-active anti-corrosion technology, which provides corrosion protection during machining and other processes such as grinding, wire drawing, and rolling. VCI Brasil focuses on combining advanced technology with employee well-being, ensuring productivity and quality without compromising workplace health or the business’s objectives. This also contributes to a cleaner, healthier environment.

VCI Brasil’s V-active innovation uses water to challenge the fear of humidity in metal part production environments. When you **buy coolant fluid** for metal transformation operations, water-based fluids are recommended. For metals that tolerate liquid cooling, water reduces temperature and, in the case of V-active fluids, serves as a carrier for VCI Brasil’s special corrosion-inhibiting active ingredient.

**Buy V-active water-based fluids** to make your company more productive and maintain a healthier working environment.

Degreasers are essential products in the machining operations of metal parts. These products vary in their degreasing power, offering more or less intense cleaning depending on the needs of the production chain in which they will be used.

When deciding to **buy a degreaser**, it is crucial to consider the specifics of the item to be cleaned. For instance, one might **buy a degreaser** for cleaning a mechanical part when a surgical piece requires an entirely different cleaning standard. The cleanliness level required for a part directly relates to the criticality of its application.

Entrepreneurs with less environmentally conscious practices often rely on grease coatings to prevent corrosion during intermediate production stages. This approach demands higher quantities of degreasers and increases disposal costs for grease residues.

Environmentally aware industries focused on saving production time, increasing profits, and minimizing material loss seek to **buy degreasers** with integrated anti-corrosion agents. These degreasers reduce production stages and costs. The most effective degreasing option with anti-rust protection is from VCI Brasil’s V-active line.


At VCI Brasil, located in Bauru, SP, you can find industrial degreasers and a team of experienced professionals ready to conduct studies to recommend the best application for your operational line.


Metal parts, after machining, often undergo a degreasing process to remove machining residues. Once cleaned, these parts may proceed to another machining operation, storage, or transportation.

If stored with an oily or greasy coating, they cannot be packaged using VCI packaging—VCI Brasil’s solution for protecting parts from oxidation until they are unboxed at their destination. V-active degreasers, compatible with VCI packaging, are available exclusively at VCI Brasil.

If you are looking for a **company specializing in anti-corrosion packaging**, renowned both in Brazil and abroad, not only for manufacturing fluids that protect against rust but also for its excellence in packaging for metallic parts, then you are referring to **VCI BRASIL INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE EMBALAGENS LTDA**.

Located in one of the most prosperous regions in the interior of São Paulo state, VCI Brasil is the leading **anti-corrosion packaging company** in the auto parts, automotive, steel, and metal parts industries. This leadership stems from the development of its own volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI), formulated without harmful elements to the environment and workers.


VCI Brasil was the first **anti-corrosion packaging company** in Latin America to conduct CKD exports, eliminating the use of grease as a protective agent. This ensures that parts arrive at the client’s production line free from residues and oxidation when packaged following VCI’s recommended procedures. In this mode, the most commonly used packaging is made from paper and plastic treated with VCI.


The development of machines to package coils and rolls for steel companies has brought this segment closer to VCI Brasil. With registered patents for its packaging machinery, VCI Brasil is an **anti-corrosion packaging company** that places particular focus on the steel industry, especially for coil wrapping. Patented by VCI Brasil, this packaging method is carried out by their machines to ensure better sealing and resistance, which is challenging to achieve manually, particularly due to the size of steel coils.

The packaging materials most commonly used in VCI Brasil’s machines for the steel industry are designed to offer superior physical and chemical barriers. These include raffia, raffia paper, laminated raffia, or delaminated raffia (non-laminated materials), all treated with VCI’s proprietary anti-corrosion technology.

Only an **anti-corrosion packaging company** like VCI Brasil can offer a wide range of VCI solutions in paper, raffia, plastics, cellulose sheets, and more. Find the solution best suited to your merchandise!

**Anti-corrosion companies** focus on sectors that require protection against corrosion. Their offerings include coatings such as paint layers, liquid resins, greases, oils, and aqueous or oil-based fluids containing oxidation inhibitors.

The **anti-corrosion market** is extensive and comprises both national and international companies. While most operate in the general market for metallic parts, some excel with specialized products.


Among Brazilian **anti-corrosion companies**, VCI Brasil stands out as a prominent multinational leader. Founded in 1990, the company initially focused on the representation and distribution of anti-corrosion papers. By 1992, it began producing its own treated packaging with the development of its proprietary volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI). Since then, VCI Brasil has introduced cutting-edge technologies and solutions for combating oxidation.

In 1996, VCI Brasil launched its first multimetallic volatile corrosion inhibitor formula, free of nitrite salts. The company’s commitment to clean technology has resulted in products that are free of nitrate salts, boron, nitrites, carcinogenic substances, and heavy metals.


VCI Brasil is among the **anti-corrosion companies** that develop proprietary technologies through its in-house laboratories and partnerships with international universities. Renowned for its innovative anti-corrosion packaging, VCI Brasil ensures the safe chemical and physical transport of parts and equipment, and it is steadily gaining recognition in the protective fluid market.

The company’s protective fluid technology—used for machining, degreasing, protection, and neutralization—is branded as V-active. This advanced solution acts on metal surfaces through contact and, when applied internally (e.g., in pipelines), releases vapor to provide protection.

VCI Brasil has also established itself in the market for steel coil and wire roll packaging machinery. Among **anti-corrosion companies** serving the steel industry, it is a standout, delivering operational and financial benefits. By collaborating with steel plants, VCI Brasil deploys its machinery and technical teams to enhance packaging quality, significantly reduce material waste, minimize workplace accidents, and lower packaging costs.

**Fluid companies** offer products to meet the diverse needs of various consumers. However, not all fluids provide rust protection or the desired lubricity for machining operations that certain types of metals require. Some **fluid companies**, driven solely by their own survival, may disregard the importance of formulating products with organic bases or minimizing environmental harm.

Fortunately, stricter regulations in some communities regarding the harmful effects of certain products on factory workers’ health have led to positive changes. These regulations encourage **fluid companies** to focus on developing cleaner formulas, free from prohibited substances.


Among the most reputable **water-based anti-corrosion fluid companies** in Brazil, VCI Brasil stands out as the ideal choice for those seeking machining productivity and efficient antioxidant protection for in-process or finished parts. Their cutting fluids and protective agents are water-based, organic, biodegradable, and non-toxic to human health.

While working with water as a base may seem paradoxical in the metalworking industry, VCI Brasil’s technical team discovered that water is a valuable ally in combating corrosion. Products from the V-active line not only eliminate environmental risks but also challenge the misconception that moisture is always detrimental in this sector.

This conceptual shift aligns with VCI Brasil’s commitment to environmental preservation. Products in this line are branded as MVAqua.


In addition to water-based protective fluids, VCI Brasil is one of the leading **oil-based anti-corrosion fluid companies**, focusing on solutions for industries requiring oil-based products due to the extremely hostile environments their metal surfaces face.

VCI Brasil’s oil-based fluids from the V-active line form antioxidant and waxy films—examples include:
– **MVOil 800**: Antioxidant film former.
– **MVOil 802**: Anti-seize.
– **MVOil 807**: Thixotropic.
– **MVOil 808**: Anti-wear.


With over 10,000 m², located in the city of Bauru, in the interior of São Paulo, VCI Brasil is the **anti-corrosion packaging factory** recognized nationally and internationally. Offering solutions ranging from production to logistics, delivering profitable results for clients and consumers alike, VCI Brasil, a Brazilian multinational **anti-corrosion packaging factory**, provides a wide variety of products to combat oxidation.

In its early days in 1990, the company focused on the distribution and representation of anti-corrosion papers. By 1992, with the in-house production of its VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor), VCI Brasil established its first **anti-corrosion packaging factory**, developing packaging tailored to its clients’ needs and earning the respect of major multinationals.


The applications for VCI, a volatile corrosion inhibitor embedded in a physical medium, depend on the properties of the chosen material. For example, paper allows for greater VCI absorption per cubic meter. This makes paper one of the most sought-after logistics strategies for those working with an **anti-corrosion packaging factory**.

VCI Brasil produces anti-corrosion packaging in various formats:
– **VCI Paper**: Offers superior antioxidant protection.
– **VCI Laminated Paper**: Combines the protection of VCI Paper with mechanical barrier and impermeability.
– **VCI Raffia Paper**: Provides enhanced barrier properties, impermeability, and rust protection.

For shorter-term protection of metal parts, plastic packaging offers excellent protective performance and greater versatility for packaging. At VCI Brasil’s **anti-corrosion packaging factory**, a variety of anti-rust plastic packaging options are available.

### Examples include:
– **FM8 VCI Stretch Film for Metallurgy**: Widely used in industrial packaging, it combines the strength of high-tech resin compositions with VCI technology from VCI Brasil.
– **VCI Shrink Film**: Shrinks when heated to conform to the shape of the item, features UV resistance, and includes flame-retardant technology.

Discover the active **anti-corrosion packaging factory** solutions at VCI Brasil!

A **manufacturer of anti-corrosion packaging** must specialize in developing solutions for the logistics of packaging and transportation for companies in the metal industry.

While corrosion is a persistent concern throughout the production process of metal parts or equipment, there is room in the market for both specialized **anti-corrosion packaging manufacturers** and for innovators offering broader protective mechanisms. For some, only the end result and profit matter.

For a **manufacturer of anti-corrosion packaging** like VCI Brasil, the focus is on providing a mechanism to solve corrosion issues. This mechanism can involve traditional packaging materials or advanced anti-corrosion systems made from cellulose-based or plastic materials.


Take the case of Woodactive, a product from this Brazilian multinational **manufacturer of anti-corrosion packaging**. Even if the customer cannot or does not want to invest in additional protective supplies, simply using a treated wooden box with the Woodactive solution provides essential anti-corrosion protection for the cargo.

Detail: With proper care and adherence to the Woodactive preservation guidelines, the wooden box can keep metal parts protected for an extended period. For greater preservation needs, VCI Brasil, as a **manufacturer of anti-corrosion packaging**, can recommend additional internal packaging for the metal parts. However, the treated wooden box offers a low-cost solution for those using this material for the transport of their final metal products.


MVSkin resin, while not a traditional packaging material, is another solution offered by VCI Brasil as a **manufacturer of anti-corrosion packaging**. Solvent-based and widely used in the oil & gas industry, it provides exceptional preservation for metals in harsh environments. It is particularly effective in wrapping multi-shaped parts, leaving a plastic protective layer with anti-corrosion properties.

In some cases, metals require packaging that conforms tightly to their shape, a task only shrink wrap can accomplish. VCI Brasil offers this specialized plastic with anti-corrosion protection, ensuring proper application through its trusted partners. Explore the various packaging and protection mechanisms available with VCI Brasil!

Typically, **degreaser manufacturers** offer solutions for cleaning dirt mostly related to petroleum residues. As a result, these products often contain heavy solvents, making them highly harmful to health and unsuitable for daily use.

Modern culture directs us to seek **degreaser manufacturers** who work with biodegradable liquids, ideally those that are safe for both people and the environment. Such a choice helps care for the industrial environment as well.


Finding **degreaser manufacturers** committed to this new reality is not easy, as it requires a shift in practices not just by the manufacturer but also by the consumer. Consumers who believe in innovation and embrace market advancements are more likely to lead their segments in partnership with cutting-edge suppliers.

Among **degreaser manufacturers**, VCI Brasil is the most modern choice, offering water-based degreasers formulated with organic compounds. These products provide superior biodegradability and are non-toxic to health. They not only clean but also create an anti-corrosion protective barrier on the metal’s outer layer for a specified duration.


The highlighted MVAqua line from the proven V-active technology by VCI Brasil offers unique solutions and results. These organic and water-based products provide anti-corrosion protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

For use in pressurized part-washing equipment, MVAqua 200 and MVAqua 203 cater to the metalworking industry. The oil & gas sector benefits most from MVAqua 200. Each market requires a detailed study to recommend the best solution, as the entire MVAqua line can be customized to better serve customers.

For manual degreasing, heavy-duty cleaning, or sanitization of surfaces and parts unsuitable for line washing machines, VCI Brasil recommends its MVOil 753 V-active product. Unlike other **degreaser manufacturers**, it replaces diesel, gasoline, and kerosene. Additionally, it is water-emulsifiable.

A **corrosion-inhibiting fluid**, as the name suggests, is a product designed to combat corrosion in environments where it may occur. Here, we focus on **corrosion-inhibiting fluid** for protecting metals, whether at the beginning, during, or at the end of production, including the maintenance of equipment involved in these processes.

Wherever metal is located, it requires protection. In the production of metal parts, starting preservation with a layer of protection is ideal as it provides antioxidant defense from the outset. During machining, metal parts undergo significant changes and become highly vulnerable to rust if they do not receive anti-corrosion treatment when transitioning between processes.


A **corrosion-inhibiting fluid** for machining is crucial in this context. However, many machining companies make mistakes by using improper anti-corrosion products in these operations. VCI Brasil offers a **corrosion-inhibiting fluid** with the most suitable temporary protection for your product.

Combining experience and technology with their clients’ production processes, VCI Brasil ensures success in intermediate and final product quality, cost reduction, and many other benefits.

The most effective products from the V-active technology for machining, providing protection for a specific period without leaving solid residues on machined parts, include MVAqua 180, MVAqua 182, and MVAqua 150. These products can also be customized based on the metals and environment.


Successful cases demonstrate greater control over production stages, sometimes eliminating entire steps, thanks to the efficiency of the **V-active corrosion-inhibiting degreaser** from VCI Brasil.

This line of degreasers with rust protection cleans and safeguards parts long enough for their next destination without requiring additional protection, such as oily layers. These layers are not only unhealthy but also introduce extra cleaning steps into the process.

When prolonged protection between stages is necessary, VCI Brasil’s technical team will recommend a **corrosion-inhibiting fluid** from the same V-active technology. Depending on the type of preservation required, this could include MVAqua 250 or MVAqua 300, compatible with the MVAqua line.

The need for modernization and adaptability to remain competitive has driven large machining companies to adopt the well-known CNC machining centers (Computer Numerical Control). These machines, which come at a significant cost and feature advanced technology, demand the highest level of care in operation and maintenance.

To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to use a **CNC cutting fluid** that is both suitable for the machine and compatible with the operation. These machining centers are highly sensitive and require careful selection of products introduced into their systems to avoid potentially costly technical failures.


VCI Brasil, with its expertise in anti-corrosive fluids, has become a benchmark in **CNC cutting fluid** by providing the safety the industry demands. The **CNC cutting fluid** from VCI Brasil aligns with the technical precision that machining centers must maintain. These fluids play a crucial role in enhancing productivity and ensuring the quality these machines deliver.

Without **CNC cutting fluid**, machining cannot function effectively, as the fluid serves multiple purposes:
– Lubricating surfaces to minimize friction and wear between the worked part and the tool;
– Cooling the metal at the machining site;
– Cleaning the machined surface and removing chips;
– Providing anti-corrosion protection.

Examples of **CNC cutting fluid** from VCI Brasil include the innovative aqueous V-active series, such as MVAqua 180, 182, and 150, tailored for specific applications.


Another critical role of **CNC cutting fluid** is protecting the machining center itself. The V-active cutting fluid from VCI Brasil, a water-based protective solution, not only safeguards the worker’s health but also helps preserve the machining center by protecting it against corrosion. The aqueous V-active fluids do not harm the rubber, paint, or seals of these machines.

After machining, the treated part is ready for use. Its application is ensured by the use of a V-active anti-corrosive protection fluid from VCI Brasil, allowing it to be suitable for any situation—whether for a subsequent machining operation on another CNC machine or for packaging with anti-corrosive VCI Brasil products for long-term transport or storage.

A **lubricating cutting fluid**, although readily available in many specialized stores today, is a purchase suited for machining experts. It requires a deep understanding of the metal, the tool that will shape the metal, and the machine responsible for producing the part.

The market offers **lubricating cutting fluid** with anti-corrosion protection, which is the most common, and also without it, which can lead to significant problems for metal part manufacturers.


To run a business today, whether small or large, entrepreneurs must carefully manage all costs and resources, aiming to minimize expenses and maximize profits in an increasingly challenging environment.

In choosing a **lubricating cutting fluid**, these adjustments can be achieved by selecting the right product to boost productivity, thereby lowering costs and increasing profitability.

VCI Brasil offers a revolutionary water-based **lubricating cutting fluid**, proven to enhance production quality by delivering unmatched surface finishing. The lubricity required for effective metal removal is an exceptional quality of its composition, directly impacting operational performance while preventing undesirable wear or breakage of tools.


The **lubricating cutting fluid** from VCI Brasil, with V-active technology, features an organic and water-based composition and is widely used in major machining operations. It is tested and approved for use in both conventional machine tools and advanced CNC machines.

Its numerous advantages include:
– Up to 70% more parts produced per tool;
– Clean and oxidation-protected production machines;
– Visible parts during manufacturing, allowing for better inspection;
– Lower working temperatures for both parts and fluid;
– Improved tool and machine conditions;
– Extended fluid lifespan due to its bactericidal properties, offering an odorless and stable solution.

Use V-active MVAqua water-based fluids in production lines for machine tools and CNCs. The benefits will be evident from the first operation. Contact the VCI Brasil technical team to learn more!


For successful machining of aluminum parts, enabling fast production with precise finishing, the use of a **cutting fluid for aluminum** is essential. During product planning, a **cutting fluid for aluminum** becomes a technical item that provides benefits and must be considered for achieving excellent results.

In today’s market, machine tools and CNC machines (Computer Numerical Control) are the most commonly used for producing aluminum parts due to their high cutting speed, precision, lower cost, and faster manufacturing time. To support this performance, metal machining companies seek auxiliary solutions, such as a **cutting fluid for aluminum**, integrating them into their processes to achieve these objectives.


Opting for V-active technology by VCI Brasil will yield the most significant results in aluminum machining. Specifically, choosing MVAqua 180, MVAqua 182, or their customized versions. The MVAqua 182 is a **cutting fluid for aluminum** that enhances the entire production process with anti-oxidation protection from V-active technology, combined with lubricity that results in deeper, precise, and faster cuts.

CNC machines, which are high-cost machining centers, typically perform multiple transformation operations in the desired manufacturing sequence. To execute clean, fast, and protected operations with minimal foam formation while achieving top-notch aluminum machining quality, these CNCs require a **cutting fluid for aluminum** specifically designed to ensure process efficiency. This is precisely the case with MVAqua 182 by VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.

Although VCI Brasil has a strong history and expertise in anti-corrosion packaging, the company is dedicated to the development and production of protective cutting fluids, offering unparalleled performance in metal transformation.

This dedication gives VCI Brasil the confidence to consistently provide solutions that outpace competitors, always striving for excellence in all situations—whether with anti-corrosion packaging, **cutting fluid for aluminum**, or fluids for other metals.

Cutting fluids have been used in metal machining operations for over two decades. The most commonly used cutting fluids on the market are oil-based, solvent-based, and water-based fluids. When selecting a **cutting fluid price**, several factors must be considered. Although the cost of cutting fluid represents only 0.5% of the total cost of a machining operation, it directly impacts 85% of the operation’s efficiency-related expenses.

Large companies invest heavily in advanced machining equipment for metalworking. To ensure the optimal performance of these machines, they look for high-performance products. Therefore, rather than focusing solely on **cutting fluid price**, they seek products that provide quality and long-term reliability for their machines and tools.

Along with **cutting fluid price**, the current market demands fluids that offer temporary anti-corrosion protection, high-performance lubricants, natural bactericides, and are safe for equipment operation, cost-effective, worker-friendly, and environmentally sustainable.


When comparing **cutting fluid price** among products from various manufacturers, it is impossible to make a choice that guarantees effective results in production and quality solely based on price. A competitive price should be tied to the set of benefits that a responsible and specialized company in the field can offer. These benefits may include eliminating unnecessary steps in the client’s production process, reducing machine setup time, lowering maintenance costs, and minimizing fixed expenses.

Only a company specialized in anti-corrosion solutions, such as VCI Brasil, can offer the best **cutting fluid price** for machining. Their water-based fluids feature the innovative V-active technology, delivering superior productivity and the highest anti-corrosion protection on the market.


  • Biodegradable fluid;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Incorporates V-active® technology, which uses water to disperse its active corrosion inhibitor. Water acts as a process ally, not as a severe oxidation agent. A clean and sustainable technology: the part is clean at the start and remains clean throughout;
  • Eliminates ineffective tasks/steps in various production lines;
  • Forms a dry anti-corrosion protective layer on the part that does not interfere with subsequent processes such as assembly, painting, transportation, or packaging with VCI products;
  • Keeps machines and accessories protected and clean;
  • Reduces costs related to environmental liabilities and eliminates the need for medium monitoring (MSDS);
  • Compatible with VCI packaging (volatile corrosion inhibitor).

Explore the full line of protective fluids from VCI BRASIL.

90 to 95% OF MACHINING SUCCESS DEPENDS ON THE **machining cutting fluid**

The success of machining operations relies 90 to 95% on the correct choice of an appropriate **machining cutting fluid**. Without this crucial decision, the negative outcomes can be significant—for machinery, production, the environment, and the operator performing the task.

A **machining cutting fluid**, beyond causing productivity losses in manufacturing equipment, health issues, and poor finishing quality, can also result in reputational damage to the company. This includes contractual losses and a tarnished image.

When acquiring a **machining cutting fluid**, decision-makers must ensure they are purchasing a solution that will lead to successful production planning, not a source of potential difficulties for the business. Today, precision is non-negotiable—there is no room for waste or errors in competitive markets. Those who lead in any field gain the advantage of setting the rules.


The search for a successful **machining cutting fluid** is no different. Partnerships must be formed with a company at the forefront, like VCI Brasil, which, while not the first in the market, has surpassed other **machining cutting fluid** companies.

With expertise and a solid history in anti-corrosion packaging, VCI Brasil has demonstrated outstanding and proven performance in the field of fluids. The exceptional lubricity, versatility, and anti-corrosion protection of the **machining cutting fluid** V-active by VCI Brasil elevate it to the market’s best-performing category.

Its advantages are countless, including 70% increased production, rust-free production machinery, clean manufacturing, extended tool life, and bath stability.

The **machining cutting fluid** V-active by VCI Brasil is tested and approved by modern CNC machining centers and machine tools in Brazil’s largest companies. Recommended—always after technical studies conducted by the team—these fluids are aqueous, organic, environmentally friendly, and safe for humans.

Call now! Discover the V-active line for machining and wire drawing, which includes the fluids MVAqua 150, MVAqua 180, MVAqua 182, MVAqua 243, and MVAqua 580. All can be customized.


Understanding the technical advantages of a **machining fluid** that will ensure your company avoids productivity and quality issues can often be the key to making the best investment in your product.

The modern entrepreneur knows that the value of a specialized product like a **machining fluid**, which adds value to their operations, is defined by its benefits rather than its price tag, as the benefits should far outweigh the cost.

When acquiring a **machining fluid**, customers want assurance that they are completing another stage of their production plan successfully, with no errors in execution or planning.


To meet this goal, VCI Brasil entered the **machining fluid** market in 2004 with the innovative V-active. Its aim is to enhance the productivity and quality of its clients’ products, protect operational machinery, preserve and extend the life of tools, and contribute to a healthier factory environment for workers—all while offering environmentally friendly products.

With its expertise, VCI Brasil delivers the perfect balance of versatility and lubricity in its **machining fluid**, making metal transformation processes precise and safe for uniform production. These essential factors highlight the excellence of VCI Brasil’s product, especially when combined with the anti-corrosion protection provided by V-active.

This is why the **machining fluid** V-active is increasingly recognized and sought after in the machining market. Its anti-corrosion safety is unparalleled, as VCI Brasil has been providing successful anti-corrosion solutions for over 28 years. Its performance is unique, the finishing results are indisputable, and satisfaction is guaranteed, alongside cost reductions for all clients.

Trust is not bought but earned through hard work and honesty. This is how VCI Brasil has built its reputation and success in the anti-corrosion protection market. We invite you to explore our products across all production lines where we are leaders: anti-corrosion packaging, protective fluids, and packaging machines.

A **degreasing fluid** is excellent when it meets consumer demands, is formulated with environmentally safe ingredients, and delivers an impressive cleaning performance—not just by washing parts but also by its action after the washing process.

Due to its importance, the **degreasing fluid** is an integral part of the production chain in machining operations for metal parts. Depending on the level of sanitation required, the choice of the product should aim to provide the desired degree of cleanliness.


Some companies seek **degreasing fluid** for machining parts for use in the mechanical sector, others for the steel sector, and others for the surgical sector. Naturally, the cleanliness requirements for each are incomparable.

A standout **degreasing fluid** to be incorporated into the machining chain for metallic equipment or parts is the protective **degreasing fluid** from VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.

With protective fluids for physical and chemical cleaning and degreasing, it provides highly effective anti-corrosion protection post-washing, thanks to the layer that forms on the metal surface after complete and natural drying.

This protection ensures that parts or equipment remain safeguarded for a specific period until the next stage, without needing additional protective measures, as it contains the V-active phase antioxidant inhibitor technology from VCI Brasil.

This unparalleled protective **degreasing fluid** offers technical benefits to VCI Brasil’s partners, often reducing their machining operations and thus minimizing manufacturing costs.


Another significant advantage is the compatibility of the V-active protective degreasing fluid with VCI Brasil’s anti-corrosion packaging. As these are essentially organic products with a water base, free from toxic residues or oil in their composition, when the part leaves the washing process and is dry, it is ready for packaging for transportation or storage.

Whether the part is headed to a warehouse or needs to be packed with VCI packaging, it remains safe and uncontaminated.


Precise finishing and production on point can be achieved by acquiring a **coolant fluid for aluminum machining** that meets the specific technical requirements of a manufacturing line from start to finish.

The market offers many manufacturers of **coolant fluid for aluminum machining**, but as aluminum is a highly demanded alloy with excellent machinability, it requires care to prevent staining. Therefore, a fluid that ensures its safe transformation is even more critical.

For large-scale aluminum production, preserving its hardness and resistance, the **coolant fluid for aluminum machining** V-active, manufactured by VCI Brasil, is a safe choice for stable and excellent machining, especially in high-volume production where this metal is heavily utilized.


The **coolant fluid for aluminum machining** V-active from VCI Brasil is the MVAqua 182 (and its customizations), offering superior lubricity and versatility. The benefits it provides during the machining of this metal are unmatched by other products on the market, due to the speed it enables in the process, its unique finishing quality, and the cutting precision it delivers.

For aluminum machining, as it is the most sought-after metal for manufacturing molds for injection molding of structures and plastics, CNC machining centers are widely used. These centers produce parts in series and in large quantities with extreme accuracy.

To ensure the total effectiveness of the process, these CNC machining centers must be equipped with a **coolant fluid for aluminum machining** designed specifically for this purpose.

The MVAqua 182, with its versatility, enables top-quality production, fast processes, extremely low foam levels, and high cleanliness of both the parts and the machine. It meets the high standards required by extremely demanding suppliers. Additionally, the parts come with the most effective antioxidant protection on the market, provided by the phase inhibitor technology V-active, developed by VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.

Other cutting fluids are highly recommended by the company for various types of machining operations. Contact one of our representatives or the technical team, and request a visit to learn more about our best recommendations!


To achieve reduced temperatures for both the workpiece and the tool, a good and correct strategy is to invest in a **machining coolant fluid** for transforming ferrous or non-ferrous metals. Significant temperature reductions can be achieved when the metal accepts a water-based **machining coolant fluid**, as water itself aids the process. However, not all metals are suitable due to the risk of fire during machining.

Purchasing a liquid **machining coolant fluid** ensures longer tool life with less wear caused by friction, especially when provided by a technically capable manufacturer such as VCI Brasil.

The **machining coolant fluid** V-active, the most advanced phase-inhibitor technology from VCI Brasil, when water-based, also prevents chips from welding onto the operational tool.

With the unparalleled anti-corrosion innovation of the V-active phase inhibitor in its composition, it offers numerous benefits for machines, whether conventional, CNC, or others, as it does not damage their components.

Parts or equipment produced with a **machining coolant fluid** V-active from VCI Brasil, following the product’s technical specifications, meet the expected standards of precision and quality. These are standards offered by a Brazilian company that has become multinational, recognized throughout Brazil, Europe, South America, the U.S., and Asia, through hard work and prestige.


The versatility and cooling capabilities of these fluids, both aqueous and organic, provide peace of mind to even the most demanding clients who require fast production, top-notch quality, and very low foam levels.

When offering **machining coolant fluid** for aluminum, VCI Brasil provides the MVAqua 180 line, with MVAqua 182 standing out, all equipped with V-active technology and an antioxidant barrier, undeniably delivering the best performance on the market.

For rolling and wire drawing processes, the recommendation is the MVAqua 243LDW and 580LDW lines, which are more adaptable to drawing and steel mills. The choice depends on the guidance from VCI Brasil’s technicians and chemists, who possess vast experience in the field.

When talking about a **corrosion inhibitor**, the topic inevitably leads to the company that delivers the most solutions in the anti-corrosion market: VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.


Initially specializing in the manufacture and customization of packaging to prevent rust, the company created its own **VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor)**, which in Portuguese means volatile corrosion inhibitor.

The volatile **corrosion inhibitor** VCI from VCI Brasil has been developed since 1992, improved in 1996 to be healthier and free from toxic components such as heavy metals and nitrate and nitrite salts.

Packaging tested and approved with its VCI provides chemical and physical protection for the market of equipment, parts, and components made of ferrous and non-ferrous steel. Regardless of the substrate that receives the VCI treatment, which should always be the most suitable for physical resistance, the action system triggered by VCI Brasil’s inhibitor is unquestionable for preservation.


The experience in the **corrosion inhibitor** market and the expertise of several dedicated professionals led the company to new advancements in 2004. A product capable of acting not only in the air/vapor phase, like VCI, but also in the liquid/contact phase was needed.

Thus, V-active emerged, the most incredible innovation in corrosion-inhibiting fluids from VCI Brasil, featuring two phases. An absolute success, this technology uses water to carry its corrosion protector, making it cleaner and more sustainable, marking a true revolution in the field.

These industrial protective fluids serve cutting processes, various machining operations, and also act as degreasers and protectants.

These fluids comply with international regulations restricting harmful elements. Designed for ease of application, they bring cost savings to production procedures. Lower product consumption, reduced corrective machine maintenance, shorter operation times, and better tool control are just a few of the many advantages that these protective fluids, featuring the unique two-phase corrosion inhibitor technology V-active from VCI Brasil, can offer their partners.

Always utilizing carefully selected raw materials that do not harm health or the environment, VCI Brasil has revolutionized the market for **metal corrosion inhibitors** with its innovative products.

The first non-toxic **metal corrosion inhibitor** was introduced in 1996, when nitrite salts were eliminated from its formulation. Following this, the product development team discontinued the use of powdered sachets, which caused pollution even during production, and introduced the innovative “Cellulose Linter,” impregnated with VCI through cellulose sheets.


VCI Brasil’s **metal corrosion inhibitors** include single-phase VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) and dual-phase V-active inhibitors, both made with biodegradable organic raw materials.

VCI Brasil’s success stems from its ability to adapt and learn from its clients. Since its inception, the company has been attentive to recurring problems in the steel industry caused by corrosion, addressing issues far beyond a simple **metal corrosion inhibitor** for its customers.

Today, VCI Brasil is an integral part of many clients’ production chains. It not only adds value to their products but also provides solutions to production and quality challenges, even helping with administrative difficulties.

With its VCI product (the acronym for Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor, incorporated into the company’s name, VCI Brasil), the company is recognized for offering one of the most powerful anti-corrosion products on the market.

Similarly, its V-active is widely acclaimed. This active corrosion inhibitor remains effective continuously, operating in two stages: liquid phase (contact) and vapor phase (airborne).


VCI is the technology used for VCI Brasil’s active packaging, as it works only in controlled and closed environments. V-active, on the other hand, is an innovation used in protective fluids, as it works in both closed and open environments, making it a dual-stage **metal corrosion inhibitor**.

corrosion inhibitor price is closely related to the type of protection required for the metal. The market offers a variety of options: oily coatings, resins, paints, packaging, protective fluids, and more.


It’s important to evaluate the composition of each product to determine if the **corrosion inhibitor price** aligns with its intended purpose both before and after use. Why? Because while many products aim to prevent corrosion, they may not account for how the customer will later remove them.

This is where several disadvantages in **corrosion inhibitor price** become apparent, and consumers need to carefully choose products that align with current environmental and practical realities. For instance, purchasing an inexpensive oily or greasy product to prevent corrosion may initially seem economical, but the subsequent costs for cleaning, scrubbing, rinsing, and drying can far outweigh the initial savings.

An excellent **corrosion inhibitor price** reflects not only the technical advantages of the product but also the supplier’s track record in providing effective solutions, backed by research and recommendations.

VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens offers corrosion inhibitors like VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) and V-active, delivering the best cost-benefit ratio for **corrosion inhibitor price**. These are environmentally friendly inhibitors that protect while leaving parts or equipment clean and ready for immediate use upon unpacking.


The VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) from VCI Brasil, embedded in their paper, raffia, plastic, and cellulose packaging, is free from harmful elements to humans and the planet. It works by dispersing its molecules, which adhere to the metal surface to form a protective layer against corrosion. This protection is effective while the package remains sealed. Once opened, the protection diminishes and eventually fades.

V-active, on the other hand, acts through other physical mediums, such as protective fluids, resins, water-based wood coatings, atmosphere modifiers, and more, all manufactured by VCI Brasil.

Consult VCI Brasil’s **corrosion inhibitor price** for various products tailored to your needs. VCI Brasil has the right product for your specific requirements.

The high rate of metal oxidation affecting various countries is increasingly alarming. Thousands of pieces of equipment and steel parts are left exposed to the elements, deteriorating in unmanaged and indiscriminate locations.

This waste causes irreparable losses worldwide, with no clear understanding of whether these discarded resources can ever be recovered. Moreover, the accumulated debris often leads to severe health hazards, sometimes resulting in fatalities.

To combat this issue, companies invest in **rust inhibitors** for their metal production. However, simply using a basic **rust inhibitor** is not enough to ensure lasting protection. It is crucial to select a product that prevents and guarantees your product remains free from future oxidation.


The most effective **rust inhibitor** can be found with the leading provider of anti-corrosion products in the market: VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. Since 1996, the company has been offering the healthiest **rust inhibitors** in the segment, along with anti-corrosion packaging, wrapping machines, and protective fluids since 2004.

Their active pre-packaging segment includes treated papers, raffia, plastics, and cellulose materials in sheet form, all impregnated with VCI (**volatile corrosion inhibitor**) rust inhibitors.

VCI Brasil also offers the innovative V-active **rust inhibitor**, which provides dual-phase protection. This advanced technology is applied to their protective fluids, successfully formulated for both water-based and oil-based solutions.

In their water-based line, protective fluids are used during the manufacturing of metal parts, significantly contributing to the sector by introducing a modern concept that reduces production steps while offering prolonged anti-corrosion protection for parts and equipment, particularly in degreasing processes.


Both VCI and V-active rust inhibitors from VCI Brasil are fully compatible with their anti-corrosion packaging. This compatibility ensures a much more effective preservation process, reinforcing the company’s expertise in anti-corrosion solutions.


Clearly invented to eliminate losses from corrosion and replace outdated, polluting prevention techniques that used grease and oil-based products, the **phase oxidation inhibitor** is the most widely used solution to combat rust.

Known as VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor), the **oxidation inhibitor** operates in closed environments, such as packaging. It is particularly effective for treating substrates or physical media like plastics, papers, cellulose sheets, raffia, and paperboard, which ensure stable closures for packages containing metal parts or equipment, protecting them against oxidation or material damage.

At VCI Brasil, a specialist in VCI phase **oxidation inhibitors**, paper is one of the most sought-after substrates for anti-rust packaging due to its ability to absorb more of the product. This treatment is performed using specialized machinery and processes.

For plastics and raffia, VCI **oxidation inhibitors** are applied through impregnation processes, starting with a masterbatch developed in-house by VCI Brasil.


A single-phase **oxidation inhibitor** refers to vapor-phase VCI, which is volatile. The two-phase solution, called V-active by VCI Brasil, operates in two scenarios:
– **Contact phase**: Direct protection through a liquid medium.
– **Vapor phase**: Protective vapor that forms in the surrounding air.

At VCI Brasil, V-active is considered an enhancement of traditional VCI. This advanced solution provides dual-phase corrosion protection (contact and vapor) with a unique active structure that remains effective in solutions or other media where it is applied.

VCI Brasil incorporates V-active **oxidation inhibitors** into protective cutting fluids for machining, anti-corrosion protection (notably for the internal protection of tanks, intermittent vessels, valves, pipes, etc.), degreasing fluids with temporary inter-process protection, and neutralizing fluids for use after chemical cleaning processes with products from the LQS 500 line, also developed and manufactured by the company.

Many other innovative products include V-active, offering numerous solutions for anti-corrosion protection. Visit [www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br](http://www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br) to find the product best suited to your industry.


A **volatile corrosion inhibitor**, as the name suggests, is characterized by its ability to disperse in vapor form and stabilize on metal surfaces, thus preventing oxidation.

The **volatile corrosion inhibitor**, or VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor), is a preservation concept developed during wartime, when the arms industry and warring nations needed to protect weaponry from rust.

At the time, transportation distances were significant, especially given the poor infrastructure and road conditions, which contributed to the deterioration of metallic materials. The arms industry faced significant challenges (especially without a **volatile corrosion inhibitor**) to deliver weapons to their destinations in good condition. Often, they arrived corroded or covered in greasy residues.

Back then, only oil and grease were available for rust prevention, which was far from ideal.

The introduction of the **volatile corrosion inhibitor** brought a significant advantage: weapons arrived free of corrosion and ready for combat.


The **volatile corrosion inhibitor** (VCI), as it is commonly known among metal industry professionals, is part of a “clean” innovation that replaced oily and greasy products for steel protection.

Previously, metallic parts and surfaces were coated with thick layers of oil to prevent oxidation. Removing these layers required extensive cleaning and degreasing, often disregarding environmental concerns.

The emergence of the VCI, or **volatile corrosion inhibitor**, was celebrated as a clean and sustainable technology. It eliminated inefficient processes within production chains, reduced unnecessary costs, and significantly contributed to creating cleaner, more pleasant working environments for employees.

To find the most effective and efficient protective VCI solutions, contact VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. With years of experience and proven expertise, VCI Brasil leads the market in anti-corrosion solutions.


There are various modern designs for oil production platforms, each more complex than the last. A common characteristic among them is the extensive use of steel (usually carbon steel) in their construction, as well as in the equipment they house. This heavy reliance on steel makes the oil exploration industry constantly grapple with the threat of oxidation, seeking solutions through **petroleum corrosion inhibitors**.

Most equipment and pipeline failures on oil production platforms are caused by aggressive corrosion. Without products featuring **petroleum corrosion inhibitors** to prevent and solve these issues, production is compromised, and significant risks to health and the environment arise due to the nature of oil production.

Corrosion-related losses are among the most damaging in industries, particularly in terms of the costs of combating corrosion and replacing materials and equipment. This is especially true in the oil exploration industry, given its complexity. Large companies seek **petroleum corrosion inhibitors** that provide efficient solutions and add value to their business by addressing challenges and creating better profit opportunities.


VCI Brasil, a Brazilian multinational, specializes in providing solutions to combat oxidation using **petroleum corrosion inhibitors**. Leveraging the expertise of its professionals and a range of products—from VCI packaging to water-based and oil-based fluids containing dual-phase corrosion inhibitors with V-active technology—VCI Brasil delivers custom projects for the oil extraction industry, ensuring effective solutions for operational processes and hibernation periods.

The MV Oil 800 V-active protective oil, with **petroleum corrosion inhibitors**, is particularly suitable for hibernation periods in offshore areas. Its unique feature is a waxy protective film that shields metal surfaces from exposure to harsh weather conditions when stored outdoors for extended periods. Steel cables, towing systems, and other components stored offshore are safeguarded from oxidation by MV Oil 807, a thin, thixotropic protective oil with **petroleum corrosion inhibitors** from V-active technology that offers penetrating action.

This solution extends to electric motors, reducers, heat exchangers, pipes, communicating vessels, hydraulic systems, engine rooms, tanks, and more. Whatever your platform’s specific needs for combating oxidation losses, VCI Brasil is ready to offer the best protection solution with **petroleum corrosion inhibitors** based on V-active technology.

Every major steel company needs an **industrial wrapping machine** to accelerate production processes, modernize packaging systems, and ensure operator safety on the production line.


An **industrial wrapping machine** has become an essential part of production planning. It optimizes processes, reduces costs associated with packaging materials and labor, and ultimately lowers the final product price.

VCI Brasil, a Brazilian multinational based in Bauru, São Paulo, is the manufacturer and patent holder of the **industrial wrapping machine** MEC-DAGI, the most advanced on both national and international markets.

These machines operate with cradles where coils are placed. The number of cradles can be customized to meet client needs, from one to multiple cradles, with options for semi-automatic or fully automatic packaging. Each project can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual steel mills.


VCI Brasil’s **industrial wrapping machine** is a unique engineering project, delivering high performance, low maintenance, and exceptional operational efficiency and safety. It effectively addresses issues such as waste caused by oxidation during logistics processes.

The **industrial wrapping machine** features exclusive designs, including the necessary number of cradles, corner applicators, and other conveniences tailored to each client’s needs. The packaging applied by the machine is also exclusively developed for each company.

For every industry, VCI Brasil’s engineering team conducts a study to determine the most suitable application:
– **Chemical application**: Identifying the most appropriate corrosion inhibitor to protect the material being packaged.
– **Physical application**: Selecting the most durable material to provide mechanical support throughout the entire logistics process, ensuring the coil remains undamaged.

When steel coils are wrapped using VCI Brasil’s **industrial wrapping machine**, the packaging achieves superior quality, with sealing and uniformity that control oxidation during storage and transport, even under the most challenging conditions.


A **coil wrapping machine** is equipment used for packaging long and flat steel coils in steel companies. The most common coil wrappers on the market are automatic and semi-automatic, capable of operating manually or in automated modes.

Currently, the packaging model resulting from the use of a **coil wrapping machine** is highly valued in the market. This is due to the demand for protection of high-value products, such as steel coils, which require technical and administrative considerations for storage and transportation.

Depending on the needs of each company, the **coil wrapping machine** may have one or more cradles where the coils to be wrapped are placed. In addition to differences in the operating system, some coil wrappers offer more features than others, such as corner applicators or one to three packaging dispenser carts.


Finding a specialized company that provides proven modern solutions is not always simple. Designing a **coil wrapping machine** tailored to the structure and needs of each steel mill is a solution and commitment of VCI Brasil’s Machine Engineering team.

VCI Brasil develops, manufactures, and sells equipment to streamline packaging logistics in steel mills, increase productivity, and enhance operator safety.


– Faster production with safe, well-planned systems tailored to the needs of each production line.
– Controlled and reduced costs of packaging materials.
– Safety system: the machine features an “auto stop” system that halts operation immediately upon detecting any presence within its field of vision, without requiring manual intervention to stop the controls.

Packaging produced with VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitor) on VCI Brasil’s **coil wrapping machines** offers superior quality, with uniformity and sealing that prevents material corrosion during transportation and storage.

The packaging process using the **coil wrapping machine** can be automatic or semi-automatic. This system, referred to as banding, involves applying straps. For effective results, material application must consider tension, flatness, and homogeneity to create the desired sealing.

This analysis is conducted by our Machine Engineering team, which specializes in this technology, offering packaging solutions tailored to markets with the following requirements: anti-corrosion protection for products destined for transit involving multiple transport modes or transfers, often exposed to harsh environments and weather conditions.

The **roll wrapping machine** is yet another specialized technology from the company that leads the market in anti-corrosion systems, both nationally and internationally. As expected, VCI Brasil offers the best machine for the wire drawing industry.


For cables, rolls, wires, and related products, VCI Brasil’s **roll wrapping machine**, such as the SRW 900 or SRW 1200, offers various versions and formats tailored to the customer’s needs and available space. These machines have revolutionized packaging in this sector.

By addressing the logistical challenges of material input and output, the **roll wrapping machine** has streamlined the supply process without causing physical strain on workers, as it is designed to ensure ergonomic operation.

With quick material changes, the speed at which the **roll wrapping machine** wraps products has greatly enhanced efficiency, reducing production costs for wire roll and cable manufacturers.

This innovation has significantly improved packaging quality, resulting in more uniform, stable materials that are better protected during transport and storage.


The **roll wrapping machine** was developed to solve a critical issue in cable and wire production. Manual packaging takes longer than the time required to prevent oxidation. As soon as the metal production is complete, it comes into contact with oxygen in the air, starting the oxidation process, which necessitates immediate protection.

In addition to addressing corrosion, since the metal must leave production coated with a protective fluid while awaiting packaging, the machine also ensures packaging stability. Manual wrapping cannot compete with the machine’s structural efficiency, which guarantees secure packaging for storage and transport, even under heavy handling conditions.

VCI Brasil’s **roll wrapping machine** features a unique design that adapts to limited spaces and offers unparalleled benefits to wire drawing facilities. Its technical advantages are the result of over 26 years of engineering expertise, with partnerships in the United States, Europe, and across South and Central America.

Long and flat steel in coils can be packed using an **industrial wrapping machine** at steel mills. These are heavy and bulky products, making manual wrapping risky for operators, with minimal chances of achieving stable packaging.


Since 1993, VCI Brasil has been innovating with **industrial wrapping machines** in the steel sector, fostering relationships that ensure increasingly modern packaging equipment and materials.

Initially offering chain machines with electrical systems, the company’s major milestone came in 1996 with the launch of its first MEC DAGI – an **industrial wrapping machine** for coils with both automatic and manual systems. The patented chain-based machine was entirely developed in-house.

Steel mills experienced significant process improvements, with some installing multiple machines in their production lines to increase speed. Machines were designed to handle one coil at a time or up to eight coils simultaneously. Customization has always been a hallmark of VCI Brasil’s engineering.


With growing expertise, the technical team has addressed increasing market demands, continuously enhancing machines and introducing innovations. Each **industrial wrapping machine** is tailored to meet specific customer needs, reflecting the company’s dedication to every project.

However, all VCI Brasil’s **industrial wrapping machines** are designed with high operational efficiency and modernity, ensuring safety for workers and the workspace.

The equipment is equipped with specialized safety features and distinct customization options for each model. A standard feature across all models includes the “cut-clamp” mechanism and material dispenser carts, varying in quantity depending on the packaging requirements.

An optional feature that enhances packaging finish and provides excellent protection for coils is the corner protector applicator. This productive component applies resin or cellulose corner protectors to the external edges of coils simultaneously during the wrapping process.

VCI Brasil develops and manufactures all parts of its equipment, providing spare parts and maintenance services for its machines.


Industrial oils are developed for use in machines, engines, and many other types of equipment. They can be mineral, synthetic, or semi-synthetic, as long as they ensure performance, lubricity, and equipment protection.

In the category of industrial oils, we find many protective options designed to ensure that equipment remains free from oxidation. These are particularly effective for addressing maintenance issues in agricultural machinery, equipment that remains idle for months, factories and industries during off-seasons, oil hubs, and more.

VCI Brasil brings 30 years of expertise in anti-corrosion solutions, offering industrial oils for machine and equipment protection. The protective oils from the V-active line are known as:

  • MV Oil 800 V-active
  • MV Oil 802 V-active
  • MV Oil 807 V-active
  • MV Oil 808 V-active
  • MV Oil 902 V-active


The industrial oils from VCI Brasil’s V-active technology offer numerous advantages. During equipment/machine hibernation, there is no need for maintenance, they remain corrosion-free, and are ready for immediate use. This saves time for business owners, reduces labor and environmental liabilities, and ensures easy application.

For maintenance in areas near the sea and offshore environments, one of VCI Brasil’s most recommended industrial oils is MV Oil 807 V-active, due to its intense penetration capability. It is a thixotropic protective oil with excellent anti-corrosion properties.

MV Oil 800 V-active is another highly recommended industrial oil in the anti-corrosion category for protecting metal parts exposed to weather conditions. This oil forms a waxy, dry layer on the metal surface, providing long-term protection (at least six months).

MV Oil 802 V-active is an industrial oil that, in addition to protection, facilitates the assembly and disassembly of maritime and other equipment due to its anti-seize and unseizing properties.

Finally, MV Oil 902 V-active provides both internal and external protection for equipment. It is one of VCI Brasil’s industrial oils containing corrosion inhibitors that form a barrier in both aerated and submerged parts. It is ideal for internal use in turbines, reducers, hydraulic fluid reservoirs, and more.


Industrial lubricating oils are essential for reducing friction and wear on machine parts, chains, and other components in any mechanical system. Neglecting this need can lead to costly machinery damage, production downtime, loss of clients, and more.

Industrial lubricating oils are designed to extend machine lifespan during operation and downtime, whether for maintenance, seasonal breaks, or compliance with the production schedule.


In addition to offering exceptional lubricity, some industrial lubricating oils provide unmatched anticorrosive properties. These are the characteristics of the protective **industrial lubricating oils** from VCI Brasil, featuring revolutionary **V-active** technology:

  • **MV Oil 802 – V-active**
  • **MV Oil 808 – V-active**

These industrial lubricating oils are available in spray cans, drums, and barrels to suit the scale of your business and needs. Designed for diverse industries such as metalworking, agribusiness, and oil & gas, they are formulated with state-of-the-art corrosion inhibitors.

– **MV Oil 802 V-active**: A versatile product that, in addition to providing oxidation protection, is ideal for assembling and disassembling agricultural machinery, engines, bolts, nuts, and marine equipment. It simplifies operations, saving time and boosting productivity. It provides rust protection for up to approximately three years when parts are stored indoors.

– **MV Oil 808 V-active**: Specifically recommended for use on chains with seals, sliding bearings, guides, gears, and more. It forms an anti-wear film with antioxidant properties, offering unmatched temporary corrosion protection.


Many industrial lubricating oils in the market offer basic lubricity and protection, but few provide adequate long-term defense during maintenance or downtime. This is where VCI Brasil stands out with the best additives from its **V-active** line, designed to enhance its oils and ensure your equipment remains free from oxidation and fully lubricated when back in use.

### Featured Additives:
– **MVSQ 1021 – V-active**: A specialized organic anticorrosive additive for diesel, soluble in both water and oil, with dual-phase protection (immersed and aerated).

– **MVSQ 1061 – V-active**: Ideal for various oils (lubricants, hydraulics, transmission), this organic anticorrosive additive offers dual-phase protection (immersed and aerated).

With VCI Brasil’s **industrial lubricating oils** and additives, you ensure superior protection and performance for your equipment, no matter the challenge.

When an everyday consumer searches for where to buy degreaser, they typically visit stores that sell tools or chemical products like solvents, looking for a quick, small-scale solution.

However, when the customer is a company, the search for where to buy degreaser shifts to specialized manufacturers. These businesses often require industrial-grade degreasers in bulk quantities.

If you’re looking for a trusted manufacturer offering high-performance and efficient products, the best address is [www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br](http://www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br) or simply by searching for **VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.**


At VCI Brasil, you’ll find where to buy degreasers from their **V-active** line. These products are profitable, biodegradable, non-toxic to humans, and known for their proven performance in the market.

Formulated with organic elements, V-active degreasers eliminate the need for additional anticorrosive protection after cleaning metal parts. They leave a protective film on the surface, providing temporary rust prevention after naturally drying.

Recognized both in Brazil and internationally, these water-based, organic products feature **V-active**, a dual-phase inhibitor that protects via contact (liquid) and vapor (air).

Whenever you need to find where to buy degreaser, visit VCI Brasil’s homepage. If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, reach out to their technical team. The company’s philosophy is to treat every customer as unique, so sharing your specific needs will help them recommend the best solution for you.


VCI Brasil products are sold through distributors who are official partners and representatives. Their website lists all distributor contacts. Reach out for a free consultation.

VCI Brasil offers a technical team that provides consulting across various areas to address your corrosion problems. From anticorrosive packaging to high-performance degreasers with antioxidative protection, their only requirement is to get to know you and your needs.

The anticorrosive product from VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. is nationally and internationally recognized, with an ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management system for packaging production.

VCI Brasil’s workforce receives frequent technical and quality training to continuously improve and meet the demands of the company’s loyal customers—many of whom have partnered with VCI since its inception.

By consistently innovating with various anticorrosive products, including active anticorrosive packaging and protective fluids, VCI Brasil has gained increasing recognition and partnerships in the anticorrosive solutions market.

With exceptional technical expertise in both solutions and anticorrosive products, VCI Brasil provides innovations that strengthen client relationships and offer competitive advantages to its customers.


The advantages include reducing unnecessary expenses on wasted materials and labor, which often inflate the final product price without adding value for the client or end consumer.

Working with successful anticorrosive products, such as those from VCI Brasil, ensures that your valuable components are properly protected for transportation or storage, even in retail environments.

Investing in an anticorrosive product reflects care for your assets. It shows awareness of the value of your production and a commitment to preserving it in perfect condition.

VCI Brasil designs products specifically for these customers—entrepreneurs who understand the value of their products. The company takes pride in developing the best anticorrosive products for use in production processes and post-production storage and transportation.


Catering to modern, environmentally conscious entrepreneurs, VCI Brasil emphasizes sustainable practices. Their biodegradable products are environmentally safe, promote healthier factory conditions, and do not compromise employee health. VCI Brasil’s **VCI** and **V-active** active corrosion inhibitors exemplify their commitment to sustainability and innovation.

In general, metal fixtures are the most susceptible to the effects of time in homes and other buildings. Therefore, it’s common to seek an anticorrosive product for metal fixtures to protect gates, doors, and iron structures exposed to daily wear and tear.

What many people don’t realize is that to effectively prevent the dreaded oxidation of iron, the material must first be free of any existing rust. An anticorrosive product for metal fixtures cannot remove rust that is already present; it can only prevent further oxidation.


How should you proceed before applying an anticorrosive product for metal fixtures?

First, determine the degree of oxidation present. Once assessed, treat the rust to halt the oxidation process. This cleaning is usually performed using a chemical agent.

For small areas with localized corrosion, rust can be removed with an abrasive product, such as sandpaper. After this effort, apply an anticorrosive product for metal fixtures.

If a chemical rust remover is used, a neutralizer must be applied afterward to stop the chemical action on the metal before using the anticorrosive product for metal fixtures.


Not all products are compatible with subsequent coatings, such as paint for metal fixtures. If you choose chemical cleaning, select a product that interacts well with market-standard paints.

At VCI Brasil, a reputable supplier of anticorrosive products for metal fixtures, you’ll find **LQS 500**, a chemical cleaner that works quickly and safely. After rust removal with **LQS 500**, neutralization is required.

The neutralization process is performed using **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400** from the V-active line, both featuring dual-phase inhibitors. These water-based neutralizers do not interfere with the paint or coating to be applied afterward. Once they dry naturally, they do not need to be removed, ensuring a seamless application process for your fixtures.


Metal part manufacturers that have embraced the concept of sustainability and belong to the select group of environmentally conscious companies are those that have incorporated an anti-rust product into their processes. This helps them minimize waste in every possible way.

The practice of using an anti-rust product—whether during production or, less ideally, only at the end—provides a significant competitive edge. By preventing losses, these companies avoid passing those costs onto their final pricing, making their products more affordable to their customers.

For safe machining with profitability, dynamic production, and effective corrosion resistance, the **V-active** line of protective fluids or additives from VCI Brasil is widely used. These anti-rust products are specifically designed for machining processes.

Using an anti-rust product during machining, degreasing, and storage of metal parts is ideal, as oxidation is a natural process for untreated steel post-transformation.

Unprotected ferrous metals exposed to oxygen in air and water quickly begin to corrode. This deterioration accelerates even further in salty, marine atmospheres without the use of an anti-rust product.


For machining metals across a variety of applications, **MVAqua 182** is an effective anti-rust product, known for its performance, lubricity, and cost-efficiency.

In fact, the entire **MVAqua 180 V-active** line from VCI Brasil, featuring dual-phase inhibitors—unique to V-active technology—delivers these unmatched performance advantages.

Most importantly, all water-based **MVAqua** products can be customized by VCI Brasil to meet the specific needs and conditions of each client. This ensures the necessary productivity and quality effectiveness. Reach out to schedule a consultation and technical visit to explore the best solutions for your business!


The complex and costly nature of the oil and gas industry demands meticulous maintenance, with the use of a corrosion inhibitor product being paramount.

Selecting an appropriate corrosion inhibitor product for the scale of an oil platform—be it Fixed, Jack-Up, Semi-Submersible, FPSO, or Drillship—requires rigorous criteria to ensure reliability and optimal productivity. Key considerations include:

– A corrosion inhibitor product capable of withstanding extreme salinity levels in seawater and its oxidative effects on all steel surfaces on the platform.
– An anticorrosive product that protects equipment and machinery both during operation and downtime, preventing internal and external deterioration.
– A corrosion inhibitor product suited to preserving electrical installations, control rooms, and command panels, safeguarding electronic devices from moisture.
– A corrosion inhibitor effective in oil preservation to maintain diesel-powered engines.

With these and other factors in mind, a developer and manufacturer of corrosion inhibitor products must be highly advanced. VCI Brasil is a top recommendation, offering its V-active line of protective oils, aqueous fluids, traditional VCI packaging, and accessories designed to combat rust.


A well-structured project for the oil and gas industry must include organic additives for diesel oils, such as **MVSQ 1021 V-active** by VCI Brasil. This corrosion inhibitor product prevents the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria and maintains the physical properties of the oil. For industrial oils used in hydraulic systems, cooling systems, gearboxes, anchoring, and towing equipment, **MVSQ 1061 V-active** is highly recommended.

Metal surfaces protected with seawater- and salt-resistant paint remain intact. However, any damage that leaves parts exposed will lead to oxidation if not treated with a corrosion inhibitor product. VCI Brasil offers a comprehensive range of protective products that create physical and chemical barriers on ferrous and non-ferrous surfaces to safeguard your assets.

**Contact a representative now!**

A corrosion product is designed to provide protection in industries that manufacture ferrous and non-ferrous metal parts and equipment. Every day, material waste in this sector grows, along with concerns about the environment, as the planet struggles to manage increasing amounts of waste.

Without proper care, metal deteriorates rapidly when exposed to air and water. This occurs in industries, offices, schools, streets, and homes. Corrosion is an omnipresent issue, which is why a corrosion product to prevent it is essential.

During the manufacturing of parts, especially in machining processes, a corrosion product is often incorporated into cutting or machining fluids, combating oxidation from the very beginning of a metal part’s life cycle to its final finish. VCI Brasil’s protective fluids are designed for this purpose.


This approach represents intelligent and preventive production. Throughout the process, using a corrosion product, particularly VCI Brasil’s protective fluids with dual-phase **V-active** inhibitors, significantly reduces the probability of rust to virtually zero.

Just as a corrosion product is necessary during production to prevent rust, other products are required for storing and transporting finished parts.

To address this, VCI Brasil offers the best anticorrosive packaging on the market. These feature phase-based oxidation inhibitors, which function through a highly advanced mechanism within sealed packaging. This involves the volatilization of the volatile corrosion inhibitor, providing superior rust prevention.


VCI Brasil offers a wide range of solutions, including:
– Single-phase and dual-phase corrosion inhibitors
– Water-based coatings for wood treatment
– Protective cutting fluids
– Protective degreasing fluids
– Metal protective fluids
– Atmosphere-modifying protective fluids for metal cargo transport
– Anticorrosive protective resins

These are just a few examples among many other solutions available when searching for a corrosion product at VCI Brasil.

The most sought-after corrosion removal product currently is **LQS 500**, offered by VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. With a low pH, it quickly eliminates oxidation, making it a popular choice.


Its demand stems from its ease of application and the safety it provides. This corrosion removal product can be applied manually using brushes or with handheld machines.

**LQS 500** also removes oils, grease, and other petroleum-derived residues. It is not limited to small metal parts but can also be used on large equipment, including interior surfaces, to thoroughly clean accumulated dirt.

After applying **LQS 500**, it is crucial to rinse the product thoroughly with plenty of running water. Following this step, neutralization is mandatory.

When using VCI Brasil’s **LQS 500**, subsequent application of a neutralizer from the **V-active** line—either **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400**—is required. The choice of neutralizer depends on the market segment and the type of steel being treated.

It’s worth noting that **V-active neutralizers** do not interfere with subsequent processes. Being water-based, they do not require removal before proceeding with further treatments.


Some companies opt for alternative methods of using a corrosion removal product, such as hydro-jetting. This is an abrasive technique for removing oxidation from metal surfaces.

For hydro-jetting, VCI Brasil recommends adding its water-based additive **MVSQ 1712** to aid in the temporary preservation of the cleaned metal surface. Part of the **V-active** technology, **MVSQ 1712** features a dual-phase corrosion inhibitor that works both on the surface (by contact) and internally (via vapor).

When using hydro-jetting with **MVSQ 1712**, the cleaned metal surface gains temporary protection, allowing sufficient time for a corrosion inhibitor to be applied—typically in the form of a paint or resin coating—before contamination can occur.

Avoiding the rust-inducing effects of oxygen in the air and water is every client’s goal when searching for a rust product for iron. Whether for protection or rust removal, you can rely on the expertise of VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.


If oxidation is already present on an iron part, the first step is to eliminate corrosion by decontaminating it with a rust product for iron designed for chemical cleaning.

If the rust is confined to a small area and there’s no additional contamination requiring chemical cleaning, you might opt for abrasive methods to remove the corrosion instead of a rust product for iron that involves specific application steps.

VCI Brasil’s **LQS 500** is a rust product for iron that requires minimal effort and delivers extraordinary results with easy application. Two basic steps are essential after use: thoroughly rinsing the part or equipment with water and applying the appropriate neutralizer for the specific steel component.

As a VCI Brasil client, simply follow the company’s instructions to see the effectiveness of the results. Their customers report high satisfaction, immediate responses, and innovative solutions tailored to their production needs.


For clients seeking a rust product for iron as a preventive measure, VCI Brasil offers a wide range of exceptional solutions. These include treated packaging with their volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) and products that modify the atmosphere in large containers, balancing it to transport metal without concern for temperature or pressure fluctuations.

Another standout rust product for iron from VCI Brasil is their line of protective products for motorcycles and the agricultural industry. These are marketed under the **WBLine** and **AFLine** brands, respectively, both incorporating the same V-active technology and efficiency.

These products are available through VCI Brasil’s distributors and partners, listed on their website: [www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br](http://www.ingles.vcibrasil.com.br). Their retail line includes products tailored for small-quantity users, such as motorcyclists, cyclists, and owners of tractors, chainsaws, and small equipment. Visit online stores of their distributors to learn more about these offerings.

Abrasives and acids are the most sought-after materials when searching for a stainless steel rust cleaner. Abrasives require greater effort during use and are thus not recommended for large-scale operations. Acids, on the other hand, are quick and efficient at removing tougher dirt but can significantly harm the environment and the health of the operator if not handled properly. The market’s demand for a stainless steel rust cleaner focuses on products that are fast, effective, and safe.


A standout product in the market for stainless steel rust cleaner is **LQS 500** from VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. This concentrated product features low foam, a special formula for removing rust and oils, and the ability to prepare surfaces for painting. Handling this stainless steel rust cleaner requires adherence to the company’s safety guidelines, but its action is remarkably fast.

Flexibility in application is another advantage, as it can be applied with a brush or by immersing the metal parts. After allowing sufficient reaction time, the solution is removed, and the surface is neutralized.

VCI Brasil recommends its antifungal neutralizers with rust protection tailored to prepare for the next production stage. These innovative water-based organic neutralizers, **MVAqua 350** and **MVAqua 400**, belong to the V-active line of anticorrosive solutions.


When cleaning severe incrustations on metal surfaces, traditional stainless steel rust cleaners may not suffice, as such operations require extra physical force through powerful mechanical action, such as hydro-jet cleaning.

However, once cleaned, metal surfaces need immediate corrosion protection. If left exposed to oxygen, water, or air, they begin to oxidize instantly. To address this, VCI Brasil recommends **MVSQ 1712**, an additive designed for hydro-jet solutions. This additive forms a protective film on the metal surface, providing extended anti-rust protection.

When there is a need to find a product to protect against rust in any process, the customer must take additional precautions beyond simply purchasing the product to ensure they have truly solved their oxidation problem.


First, look for an excellent manufacturer to find the best product to protect against rust. Without a doubt, VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda., with its well-established reputation for offering solutions in the anticorrosion sector, is the best choice.

Next, consult with VCI Brasil’s technicians to determine which solution the product to protect against rust can provide across all production sectors. This is important because preventing oxidation is a broader issue than one might imagine and is not limited to just one small step in the production process.

A study of your production line and manufacturing location may be necessary before a product to protect against rust is specifically chosen to resolve the issue. Often, the problem is not in the material itself but triggered by some detail in the manufacturing environment or warehouse.


For example, if you use common fluids to machine your parts, you’re already making a significant mistake. After machining, the part begins to oxidize while waiting for the next process if it was not machined with an anti-rust product.

To avoid this issue, VCI Brasil offers the V-active protective fluids, such as the **MVAqua 180**, **MVAqua 182**, **MVAqua 150**, **MVAqua 243LDW**, and **MVAqua 580LDW**, depending on your specific product and industry.

Another important example: VCI Brasil’s anticorrosive packaging is highly effective and an excellent product to protect against rust.

However, if the packaging is opened, or the contents handled without protective gloves, the metallic material becomes exposed to oxidation. The sweat from your hands is a contaminant. Handling with gloves—if the part is not to be used immediately—makes all the difference in ensuring proper protection.

A product to protect iron from rust is essential to prevent potential disasters across various industries. Such a product requires a responsible manufacturer dedicated to research and delivering the most effective solutions in the anticorrosion market.

When exposed to weather or saline water, which accelerates the corrosion process, metal without a product to protect iron from rust can deteriorate over time. This compromises its functionality and poses significant challenges for the owner.

The rejection of vast amounts of metal due to oxidation could be mitigated by an appropriate product to protect iron from rust, saving raw materials from extraction and reducing waste disposal. Rusted machines break down, tanks corrode, valves and pumps fail in plants, and the problem is even more severe in coastal industries like oil platforms.


VCI Brasil, a protective fluids manufacturer, recommends its oil-based fluids enhanced with V-active technology as the best product to protect iron from rust for metal surfaces in challenging conditions.

These products form a homogeneous protective film after application:
– **MVOil 800** – Wax-like antioxidant film
– **MVOil 802** – Oily antioxidant film
– **MVOil 807** – Thixotropic antioxidant film
– **MVOil 808** – Oily antioxidant film


For internal protection in platforms or oil & gas industries, VCI Brasil suggests its water-based protective fluids. These are organic and biodegradable. The most popular water-based product to protect iron from rust in this category, featuring V-active technology, is **MVAqua 250**.

In the automotive, auto parts, and metalworking sectors, **MVAqua 300** is recommended for providing time-limited surface protection. This protection can be extended for storage or transportation processes using anticorrosive packaging, an efficient product to protect iron from rust offered by VCI Brasil.

From small businesses to large industrial parks, and from household settings to the agricultural field, corrosion is a universal challenge for anyone working with metals. Whether for domestic or commercial needs, failing to prevent it inevitably leads to the need for a stainless steel rust remover product—be it at home, in industries, or in the field.

Specialized anticorrosion companies offer a wide range of solutions. However, selecting the right stainless steel rust remover product for an industrial process requires technical analysis. This ensures operator safety, product integrity, and environmental sustainability.

Only a company with extensive experience, successful cases, and partnerships with national and international universities—such as VCI Brasil—can provide reliable recommendations for choosing the appropriate product.


Every product recommendation must be data-driven and carefully considered to ensure success. For effective results, VCI Brasil assesses the client’s goods, their condition, applicable regulatory standards, and the factory’s location, including physical space for product decontamination.


Large-scale metal part manufacturers facing corrosion issues often require an urgent solution. Using a stainless steel rust remover product that demands significant physical effort—such as abrasive materials like steel brushes or sandpaper—is not ideal when time is of the essence.

If an acid-based stainless steel rust remover product is feasible, removal will be quick and effective, leaving the surface ready for painting once neutralized. **LQS 500** by VCI Brasil offers chemical surface cleaning, removing rust and light oils. Following the use of **LQS 500**, it is mandatory to apply VCI Brasil’s water-based neutralizers, **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400**, which utilize V-active technology.

For situations where hydro-jetting—a robust mechanical abrasive operation—is recommended by technicians, VCI Brasil provides the organic water-based additive **MVSQ 1712**. When added to a hydro-jet cleaning solution, it offers antioxidant protection to the cleaned surface, preventing rust from forming before it can receive finishing treatments like paint or other coatings.

A rust remover product has become essential in a world where one-fifth of the total annual steel production is lost to corrosion. Allowing steel to succumb to oxidation only increases this statistic, amplifying rework and waste.

Companies that protect their products during production, storage, or transportation using products with active corrosion inhibitors can avoid the need for rust remover products. However, when it comes to recovering parts already affected by oxidation or contaminated with oils and grease, the effective use of a rust remover product depends on selecting the best company in the anticorrosion market.


The leading company in the anticorrosion market for finding a reliable rust remover product is VCI Brasil. This company offers renowned products that, after cleaning, form protective anti-rust layers, temporarily safeguarding the surface.

Each case requires a specific recommendation for a rust remover product. For quick, uncomplicated manual application, VCI Brasil offers a specialized concentrated fluid: **LQS 500**. This product chemically cleans surfaces, removing rust and petroleum residues, including oils and grease. It leaves the piece ready for subsequent painting but requires mandatory neutralization using the company’s **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400 V-active** neutralizers. These fluids not only neutralize but also provide temporary anticorrosive protection.


VCI Brasil offers a water-based additive for hydro-jetting solutions, designed for cleaning metal surfaces with corrosion and other contaminants, such as heavy incrustations. All products are tested for inhalation, oral, and dermal toxicity, as well as biodegradability.

The additive, **MVSQ 1712**, features an anticorrosive protection mechanism that works on the metal surface during contact. It was specifically developed for use in water-based cleaning formulations.

**MVSQ 1712** leaves a thin anti-rust protective layer on the surface without interfering with subsequent painting operations. It does not require removal and provides enhanced temporary antioxidant protection.

When faced with a rust-contaminated metal, oxidation can only be eliminated through either abrasive or chemical action. For smaller-scale situations, a minor task using physical force—such as an abrasive product or sandpaper—may suffice. However, larger-scale issues require chemical action, as only a corrosion remover product can provide the effectiveness needed.


One major challenge with attempting to clean oxidation using abrasives is the presence of grease or oil on the metal, which abrasives alone cannot remove. In such cases, only a chemical corrosion remover product can ensure proper cleaning.

Finding such a corrosion remover product has become easier since VCI Brasil entered the anticorrosive fluids market in 2004. The company has since developed many cutting-edge solutions to simplify its clients’ processes.

For rust removal specifically, VCI Brasil offers **LQS 500**, a product that chemically acts on rust as well as petroleum-based residues like oils and grease.


No other corrosion remover product works as quickly and economically as LQS 500. Its application is simple and can be performed manually with a brush, by immersing the metal piece in the LQS 500 solution, or using an application machine.

In addition to removing all oxidation from the part, LQS 500 prepares the surface for the next production step. After cleaning with a generous amount of running water, the metal piece must be neutralized using VCI Brasil’s V-active protective neutralizing fluids.

Neutralization is critical to halt the chemical cleaning agent’s action, as failure to neutralize will result in continued degradation of the metal, causing future damage.

VCI Brasil’s V-active neutralizers—**MVAqua 350** and **MVAqua 400**—are water-based and organic. They do not need to be removed from the parts before applying any coating, such as paint or other finishes, making the process seamless and efficient.

When metal reaches an advanced stage of contamination from oxidation, cleaning requires an effective metal rust remover product that delivers chemical efficiency, not just physical action.

For smaller rusted parts or everyday items, such as small equipment where cleaning can be done more easily, abrasive materials like sandpaper or manual solutions are sufficient. However, for large-scale or heavy-duty materials, addressing the problem demands a metal rust remover product that minimizes effort and time, ensuring production outcomes are not affected.

Chemical surface cleaning is particularly recommended for cases with petroleum-derived incrustations and oxidation. This approach is widely used in industries like Oil & Gas, shipyards, and oil platforms—areas where salt spray and petroleum pollution leave metal surfaces highly vulnerable to deterioration.


VCI Brasil offers the leading metal rust remover product in the corrosion prevention market: **LQS 500**. This product, with its low pH concentration, quickly removes oxidation through manual application with brushes, immersion of parts, or use with manual equipment.

The cleaning process is quick, with duration depending on the level of contamination on the part or surface. In addition to fast removal, it prepares the surface for the next process, such as painting or applying a protective coating to safeguard the metal.


After using the **LQS 500** metal rust remover product, the metal requires neutralization. For this purpose, VCI Brasil provides water-based neutralizers designed to work in conjunction with the chemical surface cleaner LQS 500.

These neutralizers, to be applied immediately after using the metal rust remover product, belong to VCI Brasil’s V-active line:
– **MVAqua 350**: Ideal for Oil & Gas industries.
– **MVAqua 400**: Designed for the metalworking industry.

Key Advantage: Once dried, these neutralizers form an antioxidant protective layer on the metal surface, which does not interfere with subsequent processes, such as painting or coating. Therefore, removal is not required.

We can define a corrosion treatment product as one that protects metal from oxidation, a common issue during its production cycle or even after completion and during use.


During production, a corrosion treatment product is essential for working alongside metal during transformation operations, such as machining processes.

Metal can undergo a wide variety of operations during production, either simultaneously or sequentially: cutting, drilling, milling, threading, planing, boring, reaming, sawing, broaching, grinding, tumbling, turning, filing, etc. However, after each operation, the metal always requires protection.

The challenge with these processes is that the metal becomes highly exposed where the operation takes place. Without an effective corrosion treatment product applied immediately after the intervention, the metal can begin to oxidize while waiting in storage for the next production phase.

For this reason, VCI Brasil offers the most effective water-based machining fluids as the best corrosion treatment product for production. These products enhance machine productivity, improve the finish of parts, and provide excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces.

In addition to improving machine performance and process efficiency, VCI Brasil’s protective fluids ensure that materials undergoing machining can transition through production without the need for additional corrosion treatment products. These fluids leave a monomolecular anticorrosive film on the metal’s outer layer, providing temporary protection until the next operation, typically sufficient for short durations.


After machining, the metal also requires protection from a corrosion treatment product. For this phase, VCI Brasil evaluates whether cleaning the metal will suffice to protect it until packaging.

If so, using products from the **MVAqua 200** or **MVAqua 203** V-active line will be sufficient to preserve the piece for up to 90 days indoors. For longer storage periods or transportation, an active anticorrosive packaging solution from VCI Brasil is recommended.

VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. offers a wide variety of anti-rust protective products. These solutions address needs ranging from the manufacturing of steel equipment and parts to the storage and transportation of metallic materials.

The first challenges often arise during production. Some manufacturers operate in environments that are neither careful nor equipped with anti-rust protective products. Corrosion can cause significant damage, contaminating production and resulting in the rejection of potentially compromised parts.


Steel transformation processes expose the material, making it extremely vulnerable to oxidation during the manufacturing of parts for various equipment. To prevent rust and loss of parts during these transformation phases, using an anti-rust protective product is essential.

Even in a single metal modification operation, applying a preservation solution is the best practice. For instance, a water-based machining protective fluid is highly effective as it eliminates the need for degreasing after machining. If sourced from VCI Brasil, it serves as an excellent anti-rust protective product.

For processes involving two, three, or more machining operations that are not performed consecutively, VCI Brasil’s protective fluids provide extended protection. This eliminates the need to apply additional anti-rust protective products while waiting for the next production phase.


Once the part has been manufactured, it may require a new anti-rust protective product, depending on its destination and the manufacturing process used. Parts machined with VCI Brasil’s V-active MVAqua protective fluids already have a protective layer that preserves them temporarily until they are packed for transport or storage.

Depending on the circumstances and the intended use, degreasing might be necessary. This step offers enhanced and longer-lasting protection, with indoor durability of up to 90 days.

To extend protection further, VCI Brasil’s technical team will likely recommend tailored solutions, such as exclusive indoor or outdoor protective fluids or active VCI anticorrosive packaging, after analyzing the specific case.

The best anti-rust product for your goods will always be the one that demonstrates the highest effectiveness in the environment to which it will be exposed. For example, a supplier of VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) recommending their product for a part exposed to the atmosphere would be ineffective, as VCI must be used in indoor environments.

Choosing the right anti-rust product for the appropriate environment is as crucial as selecting the correct inhibitor for the specific type of metal. Without the proper match, the product will not perform effectively.


Metals exposed to weather conditions, for instance, require an anti-rust product that forms both a physical and chemical barrier. VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. advises its clients to use specific oil-based protective fluids for such applications.

Some of these products, like **MVOil 800**, create a waxy antioxidant physical barrier, ideal for outdoor storage. Others, such as **MVOil 807** (which forms a thixotropic antioxidant barrier) and **MVOil 802** and **MVOil 808** (which form an oily antioxidant physical barrier), are suitable for offshore environments or areas near the sea but are not intended for outdoor storage.

All these anti-rust products are enhanced with V-active technology.


VCI Brasil focuses heavily on water-based products through its **MVAqua** line. These products are biodegradable and organic, designed for indoor storage of parts. They provide protection both internally and externally.

VCI Brasil’s V-active technology specializes in a dual-phase corrosion inhibitor.

The MVAqua line consists primarily of protective fluids, suitable for machining, degreasing, protection, or neutralization. All of them serve as effective anti-rust solutions.

For long-term indoor storage or transportation, VCI Brasil offers **MVAqua 300**, a highly effective anti-rust product. It performs exceptionally well in both surface contact and vapor phases.

**MVAqua 300** forms an anti-rust film on the metal surface after drying, providing extended protection for the piece.


A metal rust remover product is used when there is a need to clean a metal surface contaminated by oxidation or dense incrustations caused by petroleum residues.

In smaller, household scenarios, people often prefer manual abrasive materials to remove rust spots. These are considered ideal alternatives to chemical metal rust remover products, such as acidic compounds, which require greater technical care and manual handling. However, this approach is only advisable for small repairs, as it is impractical for large-scale applications due to the physical effort and time required to achieve results.

In large industries, such as shipyards, oil platforms, Oil & Gas industries, sanitation facilities, power plants, agribusiness, and other major market sectors where corrosion can have devastating effects, cleaning methods must be more efficient and faster. Choosing the right metal rust remover product is crucial.

For surface cleaning, a chemical product might be the best option. For example, VCI Brasil’s **LQS 500**, a standout metal rust remover product, quickly removes rust with its low pH concentration. Cleaning can be done manually using a brush or by immersing the metal part in the liquid.

After cleaning, it is important to neutralize the surface using VCI Brasil’s water-based V-active neutralizing fluids, such as **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400**, depending on the material treated.


Hydro-jetting is a surface cleaning process that is safe for the environment and operators (when proper equipment is used) because it eliminates the need for chemical products to remove tough dirt. Cleaning is performed through the pressure exerted by the water jet on the surface, adjusted based on the intensity and type of dirt.

While hydro-jetting is effective as a metal rust remover product, it does not guarantee that the surface will not oxidize shortly afterward. Therefore, combining it with an anticorrosive additive from VCI Brasil’s V-active technology, such as **MVSQ 1712**, provides temporary antioxidant protection for the surface until it can be painted or coated appropriately.

Among the various methods for combating rust, a stainless steel rust remover product should be chosen based on several factors related to the customer’s needs, such as physical space, regulatory environmental standards, and product use requirements.

This is because a stainless steel rust remover product can be highly acidic and thus requires special handling and health precautions. After application, it typically requires neutralization.

There are other oxidation removal methods available on the market, including stainless steel rust remover products that do not rely on chemical actions such as acids. For instance, abrasive materials like sandpaper, brushes, and steel wool can be used manually, but these methods demand significant physical effort and are impractical for industrial applications. In such cases, hydro-jetting is a recommended mechanical method for industrial use.

VCI Brasil, a company with a team of chemists and consultants specializing in solving anticorrosive challenges, thoroughly studies the best possibilities to offer innovative solutions to its customers. With values rooted in sustainability and environmental responsibility, VCI Brasil consistently recommends products that do not harm the environment or human health. It prioritizes the value of its customers’ products, ensuring their preservation. When restoration is necessary, the company promotes compliance throughout the process to guarantee excellent results.


When corrosion is already present, a stainless steel rust remover product that acts quickly and is easy to apply is necessary. In such cases, VCI Brasil’s **LQS 500** is ideal for cleaning metal surfaces. Following this, the surface should be neutralized using VCI Brasil’s **MVAqua 350** or **MVAqua 400**, both neutralizers developed with Brazilian V-active technology by this renowned company, a leader in antioxidant solutions.


A highly effective and modern method, recommended as a stainless steel rust remover product for cleaning large surfaces with heavy encrustations, such as ship and boat hulls, is hydro-jetting. VCI Brasil offers an additive that enhances treatment alongside the hydro-jet cleaning solution. Discover the **MVSQ 1712 additive**, which delivers excellent anticorrosive performance by forming a protective film on the cleaned metal surface. Contact our technical team for proper application guidance!

Inevitably, corrosion occurs on metal surfaces that do not receive any type of protective coating to prevent rust. To ensure the protection of their anti-corrosion products, companies in the metal products sector must choose the type of finish that best protects their goods during the waiting period before reaching the consumer.


Commonly recommended by technical departments, some anti-corrosion products are known for offering features that facilitate their application from the initial design phase of the product to its delivery to the customer. Other anti-corrosion products, until not long ago, provided effective protection against oxidation but came with significant downsides, including discomfort for workers and higher costs for businesses.

This was the case with greasy protectors, which coated parts with grease for protection. To reuse these parts on the production line, they needed to be cleaned before every operation, resulting in considerable time spent between various processes.


Today, modernity and competitiveness across various industries have driven the development of new technologies. VCI Brasil, addressing a need that goes beyond commercial concerns to include environmental preservation, embraced this cause and has been offering the best anti-corrosion products since 1992.

Among its anti-corrosion products are its exclusive technologies: VCI and V-active. Its VCI—volatile corrosion inhibitor—was developed in 1992 to treat physical media (e.g., raffia, paper, plastics) used for packaging metal parts. In 1996, the product was refined to eliminate nitrite salts, nitrates, and heavy metals, reducing toxicity.

VCI Brasil’s VCI packaging is synonymous with both chemical and physical protection. It provides solutions for small parts, large volumes, smooth pieces, heavy components, and complex or irregular shapes, catering to those seeking not just protection but also cleanliness, sealing, mechanical traction, and versatility.

Its V-active technology, an active corrosion inhibitor that works in both vapor (airborne) and liquid (contact) phases, is formulated for its water- and oil-based fluids. With a non-toxic and organic composition, this noble and innovative technology uses water as a vehicle for its active corrosion inhibitor. Discover the V-active Fluid Line by VCI Brasil!

Wherever there is unprotected metal—that is, without coating—there will always be a need for the application of oxidation products to remove, contain, or prevent rust.

Oxidation, a significant concern for metal producers and those in regions where sea salt or high humidity can cause greater damage, is the natural consequence of metal’s contact with water and air. This occurs when metal is in its most natural state, without any finishing to shield it from the reaction caused by oxygen.

The most common oxidation products are used to clean and protect equipment or surfaces. For domestic situations, supermarkets or cleaning supply stores typically offer oxidation products to satisfy the needs of customers dealing with minor issues in apartments or offices. However, industrial situations are far more complex.


VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. is a trusted choice for oxidation products. With 28 years of experience in the anticorrosion market, the company manufactures packaging and fluids as oxidation products.

Using VCI—volatile corrosion inhibitor—exclusively developed for its packaging by the company’s team of chemists and engineers, VCI Brasil provides the most effective protective solutions in the active VCI packaging market.

Its oxidation products for rigorous logistics ensure success when the market demands packaging that protects against seawater oxidation, excess moisture in containers, and the impacts caused by cargo movement.


Industrial protective fluids, enhanced with the revolutionary V-active technology—the most active corrosion inhibitor from VCI Brasil—are oxidation products that, in addition to machining and degreasing parts, provide protection. These fluids, available in both water- and oil-based formulations, are suitable for parts, equipment, and machinery.

Designed for use in agribusiness, sugar mills, hydroelectric plants, sanitation companies, oil platforms, oil & gas industries, mining, steelworks, wire drawing operations, metalworking markets, assembly plants, and all companies where steel plays a role, V-active protective fluids are the top choice for oxidation products.

The need to preserve natural resources has drawn attention to all types of waste in our community, whether industrial or domestic. The waste resulting from the lack of anticorrosive protection, which accounts for approximately one-fifth of the steel produced annually, is undoubtedly alarming.

In today’s modern market, where countless solutions exist, finding anticorrosive protection is no longer an excuse for these losses. What many still don’t know are the incredible innovations that companies in this sector offer, including anticorrosive protection that poses no danger to individuals or the environment—unlike the more toxic, older products.


We’re talking about anticorrosive protection solutions from VCI Brasil, featuring water-based products and V-active technology with protective fluids for machining, degreasing, protection, and surface neutralization. Biodegradable and organic, they contain no harmful substances in their composition.


In the machining process, steel undergoes various operations for transformation. These transformations leave the steel’s most vulnerable parts exposed to the atmosphere, allowing oxidation due to contact with air and water.

If, during machining, the parts are treated with a fluid containing an active protective agent, oxidation will not occur. This is achieved with VCI Brasil’s cutting fluids. Enhanced with V-active—a technology developed by the company in 2004, which introduced water as a vehicle for dispersing its active corrosion inhibitor—V-active solutions for anticorrosive protection during and after machining, wire drawing, rolling, etc., are the most effective on the market.

The recommended protective fluids include:
– **MVAqua 182** – for machining,
– **MVAqua 150** – for stamping,
– **MVAqua 243** and **MVAqua 580** – for wire drawing and rolling.

Other machining solutions, such as eliminating intermediate and final degreasing processes, thereby reducing costs and labor, can be explored with a consultation from our technical department. We analyze each process and product to provide the best recommendation. Contact our team!

The lack of effective steel corrosion protection has already caused numerous accidents involving bridge structures and commercial and residential buildings. This list also includes large pipelines, companies with extensive steel structures, and steel tanks. These issues lead to countless damages, not only financially but also for humanity as a whole.

Steel corrosion protection is crucial for a business’s structural and commercial survival. A leak caused by poor maintenance, resulting in serious damage due to inadequate steel corrosion protection in pipelines, tanks, or other equipment, not only causes immeasurable harm to nature but also inflicts irreparable moral damage on the company’s reputation.


Companies needing to protect the internal parts of their pipelines require a more specific steel corrosion protection solution. For this, VCI Brasil offers its V-active technology with water-based fluids that provide protection in both the liquid and vapor phases. Depending on the industry, MVAqua 250 or MVAqua 300 is recommended for internal pipeline protection. These products are dermatologically, orally, and inhalation-tested.

Widely used in oil and gas industries, sugarcane mills, offshore platforms, agribusiness, and other sectors, the MVOil V-active fluid line is highly suitable for steel corrosion protection in outdoor environments.

Structures in these industries face much harsher conditions, exposed to weather elements, compared to those in enclosed spaces. Therefore, they require steel corrosion protection that provides not only a chemical barrier but also a strong physical barrier.

Oils are ideal for this type of protection because they form waxy antioxidant films—such as those created by MVOil 800—that allow parts to be exposed outdoors for up to six months, thixotropic antioxidants like MVOil 807, and oily antioxidants like MVOil 802 and 808.


VCI Brasil offers a range of solutions, tailored to each client’s needs. An excellent option for transporting metal parts with protection is the Woodactive coating for anticorrosive treatment of wood, featuring V-active technology. This is ideal for companies using wood as packaging material to transport goods. The liquid is applied directly to the wood, ensuring that as long as the parts remain in the crates, they are protected.


Adapting the atmosphere of a container, whether for air or maritime transport, can be an effective means of metal corrosion protection during cargo logistics. By using the MVDispenser with V-active technology, the atmosphere is automatically saturated to adjust and protect the metal cargo inside the compartment, without the need for manual activation.

The MVDispenser complements metal corrosion protection when using VCI packaging, especially for transporting large loads in spacious environments with high humidity and significant temperature and pressure variations. The temperature modifier safeguards the cargo from these fluctuations, keeping the surrounding air stable.

This dispenser is particularly recommended for exports that require metal corrosion protection in harsh climates with extreme variations. It is reusable, as it operates with a refill of protective fluid enhanced by the specialized V-active technology.

The MVDispenser is an exclusive atmospheric modifier developed by VCI Brasil, a company with proprietary technology in this field. It has been tested and approved by the largest exporters in the steel industry both within and outside Brazil.


Another highly effective metal corrosion protection method involves cellulose linter—white cotton-treated sheets. Used to enhance protective efficiency within packaging, the linter is imbued with active VCI. Today, it is the best way to increase volatile corrosion inhibitor concentration per cubic meter.

The cellulose linter, which emits the most valued volatile corrosion inhibitor on the market—free of harmful substances to health and the environment—is manufactured by VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda.

Dedicated to resolving oxidation issues, VCI Brasil has been providing the best products for metal corrosion protection since 1992. In addition to manufacturing, the company has produced coil packaging machines since 1993 and introduced its line of protective fluids in 2004.

Have you ever imagined a situation where your product needs to navigate the production line in a “zigzag” pattern to achieve its consolidation? The back-and-forth of unproductive tasks in a scenario where everyone talks about lean production to achieve greater competitiveness?

More than spending money on production time, think about the waste of product. Have you considered that, to achieve rust protection in an inefficient production line, you would have to use outdated protective solutions for short periods, perform unnecessary operations to remove them, and repeatedly discard everything?

Even worse! Besides throwing money away with material waste, you’ll also incur an environmental liability cost, as these products are oil-based and certainly not recyclable. But for VCI Brasil, rust protection is just one of the many benefits you can achieve by partnering with a company that offers a range of rust protection solutions.


If your company manufactures metal parts, especially in assembly lines, you likely require adequate rust protection during various processing stages. For both this need and the high standard of your parts, they must be clean and flawless when they reach your customer. With this in mind, VCI Brasil offers the perfect preservation solution.


VCI Brasil, with its unique V-active technology in its line of protective machining fluids, enables production at lower cost, reduced production time, and greater added value. These are technical benefits that no other product can provide, with the added advantage of being biodegradable and free of toxic substances for humans and the environment.

The more complex the production process, the greater the business viability when using products with rust protection for machining, such as MVAqua 180, MVAqua 182, and MVAqua 150; or for degreasing with “indoor” protection lasting up to 90 days, such as MVAqua 203. If even greater protection is required beyond what our anticorrosive degreaser provides, you can opt for longer-lasting protective solutions like MVAqua 300.

Every oxidation protection requires the assurance of a company offering intelligent solutions, market experience that provides security, and products that confirm its excellence.

This company is VCI Brasil, the holder of the most efficient anticorrosive technology in VCI – volatile corrosion inhibitor – and the innovation behind V-active protective fluids, which inhibit oxidation as effectively in the liquid phase as in the vapor phase. Both technologies are highly effective for oxidation protection.

Although present in many sectors, the company has made significant advances in the metalworking, oil & gas, and steel & wire drawing industries. More recently, it has expanded into agribusiness and various other industries, as the risk of metal corrosion is present wherever metal exists. The specifics of oxidation protection depend on the unique characteristics of each business.


Choosing the best oxidation protection is a task for VCI Brasil’s consultants and technical team. In the metalworking market, the MVAqua 180 line of machining fluids stands out, focusing on cost reduction by eliminating process steps. As a protective fluid, the highlight is MVAqua 300, which guarantees indoor oxidation protection for a minimum of 90 days. For degreasing, MVAqua 203 reduces residual particulates and operation time.

In oil & gas, the focus is on cleaning with the MVAqua 200 line, which does not harm seals, rubber, or equipment paintwork, and on decontamination with LQS 500, used alongside the MVAqua 350 neutralizer. For preservation aimed at oxidation protection, MVAqua 250 is recommended for aggressive environments, with no need for removal before the next process.


For preservation, the oil- and solvent-based protective fluid line includes MVOil 800, MVOil 802, MVOil 807, MVOil 808, MVOil 902, MVSkin, MVPanel, MVDispenser, and MVCleaner. Beyond protective fluids, there is an entire range of active protective packaging for logistics and transportation in these markets, ensuring oxidation protection. These pre-packaged solutions, treated with VCI Brasil’s volatile corrosion inhibitor, safeguard your metal parts, machines, or equipment until use.

Metal Protection is achieved by neutralizing the poles of currents on metal surfaces to inhibit corrosion. This is how the VCI Brasil packaging works, employing a preservation mechanism.

When purchasing anticorrosive packaging from VCI Brasil for a protective solution for metal protection, certain precautions must be taken. The inhibitor only functions effectively when the environment is completely sealed, maintaining its atmosphere in balance.


When wrapping a desired metal part, equipment, or piece using paper, plastic, or raffia treated with the volatile corrosion inhibitor from VCI Brasil, a process takes place within the package. The inhibitor disperses throughout the medium and the entire metal surface. This is followed by the solidification and impregnation of the VCI on the metallic surface, forming a barrier that neutralizes current polarization for metal protection.

Beyond the standard composition of anticorrosive packaging, with an effective VCI charge like that of VCI Brasil, experience shows that technical consulting can recommend additional reinforcement for metal protection. This is particularly valuable in scenarios where the load faces higher risks of exposure to moisture and air.

Special care should be given to cargo intended for export or stored in warehouses near marine environments. These conditions expose the cargo to adverse factors, such as frequent handling, humidity, climate and pressure variations, and sea salt, which accelerates oxidation.

VCI Brasil’s Raffia Paper, one of the most durable and active pioneering packages, handles these challenges with excellent results. It not only concentrates the inhibitor for metal protection more effectively due to the paper’s properties but also provides the necessary sealing and physical barrier for tough conditions.


For enhanced corrosion protection under adverse conditions, we highlight VCI Brasil’s Cellulose Linter VCI. Made from cotton cellulose, it allows for substantial impregnation of the corrosion inhibitor, ensuring higher VCI emission per cubic meter.

Another complementary solution for metal protection, recommended by our experts, is our innovative atmosphere modifier, MVDispenser. Designed for use in closed compartments, containers, crates, vans, etc., it stabilizes the environment, eliminating pressure and temperature variations, with automatic activation.

Amidst so many methods of rust preservation, choosing one that brings peace of mind, technical benefits, and cost reduction can be easy when working with a Brazilian multinational company with 28 years of experience in the field of metal corrosion protection.


This is the confidence that VCI Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda. has developed with its partners. A reputation that makes it unique in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of protective fluids, roll and coil wrapping machines, and active packaging for metal corrosion protection.

In the development of water-based protective fluids, it offers products with technical advantages that translate into cost reduction, clean and protected parts, and equipment free from rust. It also contributes to improved quality of life thanks to a healthier environment when using these water-based products.

Highlights include aqueous protective fluids such as MVAqua 180 and 182 – machining, cutting; MVAqua 200 and 203 – degreasers; MVAqua 250 and 300 – internal protectives that work in two phases (liquid and vapor); MVAqua 350 and 400 – neutralizers after corrosion decontamination, using LQS 500.


In packaging, products with a focus on recycling, allowing clients to make sustainable business choices. Packaging options for metal corrosion protection include raffia, plastic, paper, and cellulose boards. Depending on the client’s needs, VCI assesses the physical environment for the most suitable packaging solution for metal corrosion protection. Examples include VCI Paper, VCI Plastics, VCI Cellulose Linters, MVPanel 8, Laminated Raffia, VCI Bubble Wrap, VCI Metallurgical Stretch Film, VCI Heat Shrink Film, VCI Plasticized Paper, VCI Raffia Paper, etc.

The roll and coil wrapping machines, which increasingly strengthen the long-term relationship between VCI Brasil and the steel segment, are available in both national and international markets with innovations that revolutionize the thinking of coil packaging and metal corrosion protection. Technology designed to provide ever more physical and chemical protection, preserving and preparing valuable goods from major domestic plants for export and vice versa.

See MEC DAGI and SRW in Wrapping Machines.

Tools are part of the group of equipment that cannot survive without proper rust protection for metals unless these tools are made from stainless steel, which significantly raises their cost. In such cases, the consumer needs to determine if the cost justifies the benefit.


Some companies opt for galvanization, which can be quite effective. However, since the tools are used for rougher tasks, many users prefer cheaper tools, thinking about the cost-benefit ratio.

Sometimes, the user may only need to use the tool once or might not consider calling a professional for a repair that could be done with the tool. As a result, they buy the tool and do not think about paying extra for one with rust protection. They might not even care to store the tool properly for future use.

In most cases, what we see on the shelves of specialty stores or more affordable department stores are tools with a thin oily coating. This makes us think that the supplier does not care much about the customer but only about the product, because it suggests that the product must be protected, regardless of who will use it.

This does not necessarily mean the tools are preserved with proper rust protection for metals, especially if the oil layer does not form a protective film with an active corrosion inhibitor, such as V-active from VCI Brazil.


The ideal solution for valuable tools that offer good cost-benefit is to manufacture them with V-active protective fluids and package them using VCI packaging for rust protection for metals.

Custom protective bags made from VCI Laminated Paper, VCI Raffia Paper, VCI Bubble Wrap, or VCI Plastic, personalized with the customer’s logo, provide a better visual appearance and ensure rust protection for a set period. Consult our anti-corrosive packaging engineering team to discover the best solution for your product!

By using V-active fluids, tools are not only protected but also clean, ensuring long-lasting performance and maintenance-free storage until they’re ready for use.

Todo equipamento, máquina, utensílio ou instalação, enquanto estiver funcionando em perfeito estado para uso e oferecendo o produto a que se destina, jamais chamará sua atenção se apresentar um problema devido à necessidade de proteção para corrosão. Assim, ocorre com nossos aparelhos domésticos, para os quais só dispensamos atenção quando quebram, ou com nossos carros, que lembramos que precisam de revisão só quando algo errado acontece.

Imagine-se morando em uma cidade litorânea, onde a maresia castiga os aparelhos elétricos/eletrônicos na sua parte mais sensível, que é a metálica e a elétrica. Veja computadores, TVs, aparelhos de som, impressoras, motores elétricos etc. sem proteção para corrosão. Isso significa que em pouquíssimo tempo apresentarão problemas de desempenho ou mesmo de funcionamento, já que terão problemas de bloqueio e solda nos seus contatos eletrônicos.


Para solucionar o problema de proteção para corrosão após se instalar a falha em aparelhos eletrônicos, agora ficou fácil. A VCI Brasil tem o MVCleaner, que é o desengraxante limpador de contatos, multimetálico, mais renovador do mercado. Além de esterilizar os contatos, restabelece a condutibilidade e recupera a funcionabilidade. Recomendado para limpar e conservar, o MVCleaner é eficaz na proteção para corrosão pois afasta a umidade/água. Da mesma forma, sendo um princípio antiestático, mantém a superfície limpa por mais tempo.


Além da vantagem de ser multimetálico, também não afeta a camada de ozônio, ganhando a preferência do consumidor responsável. Na preservação de painéis elétricos/eletrônicos industriais, diminui o tempo de trabalho pela rápida ação e pelo maior efeito de higienização em partes multiformes.

Após limpeza, forma filme de proteção para corrosão na área do metal. Para prolongar a proteção anticorrosiva, a sugestão é o MVPanel 8, dimensionado conforme orientação da equipe de químicos da VCI Brasil. Usualmente, recomenda-se a colocação de 8 peças para proteção de cada metro cúbico. O MVPanel é inovação V-active.

Além do MV Papel 8, no caso de exportação de equipamentos eletro/eletrônicos, outras sugestões da linha V-active podem ser apresentadas pelo time técnico. O modificador de atmosfera – MVDispenser – pode ser um complemento nas embalagens, bem como o Linter de Celulose VCI e o Filme Termoencolhível VCI. Procure as soluções da VCI Brasil em proteção para corrosão direcionadas a elétrico/eletrônicos.

The best solution for corrosion in metals is not always simply applying a product to remove localized rust. For this, we cannot call it a solution, but rather decontamination, which VCI Brazil also performs expertly using LQS 500, solving one of the problems before offering the security of preservation and the peace of mind of elimination with other products from the V-active line.


The best solution for corrosion lies in changing mindsets toward more comprehensive values in your business, which reflect throughout the entire production chain, benefiting people and the environment. It goes beyond manufacturing and applies to successful companies that practice sustainability to get there.

To think about the solution for corrosion, it is essential first to take every possible and hypothetical precaution to ensure it never happens. If it never occurs, you will never have to eliminate it. To prevent it from happening, some precautions will be mandatory in your workplace.


VCI Brazil offers innovative protective fluids with corrosion solutions. They are the most effective – the V-active line – because they contain water in their composition, and water, in turn, serves as a channel for the oxidation inhibitor to the mechanism that will protect the metal. Water, often feared due to oxidation, here aids the process, acting as a natural coolant in the machining of certain metals.

These V-active anti-corrosion fluids from VCI Brazil, more than providing productivity and finish to the machined material, also create a healthy factory environment. They extend tool life and keep machine tools free from corrosion, reducing downtime for maintenance.

If your company has several stages to produce a part, try talking to our technical team. You will likely see that your production can achieve a secure system without needing to add another corrosion solution, as, in a simplified, smart, and safe program, you could have just three operations, depending on your product. This is what VCI Brazil offers – a corrosion solution. A sustainable solution for you, your employees, the environment, and your customers.


VCI Brazil has been operating with anti-corrosion solutions for the steel market since 1994, when it built the first electric machine to work with steel coil packaging. This development led to closer ties with the industry and the loyalty of the first client since that time.

For steel coil and wire roll packaging operations, using packaging as anti-corrosion solutions, VCI Brazil created its most successful machines: the MEC DAGI and the SRW, respectively.

Fully automated, with increasingly modern safety schemes, they apply active protective packaging made from VCI Raffia and VCI Paper, with variations that consider mechanical support, resistance to tear propagation, and corrosion protection.

The active protective packaging prevents any onset of oxidation and safeguards against impact damage that could compromise the client’s assets. The Stretch FM8 is recommended to provide greater sealing/airtightness for the goods.

In maintenance within steel mills and wire drawing plants, VCI Brazil offers anti-corrosion solutions to minimize equipment performance failures. Notable is MVOil 753, water-emulsifiable, for heavy-duty manual cleaning; a degreaser that replaces kerosene, diesel oil, and gasoline and acts very quickly in eliminating grease and oils.

MVAqua 250, for the preservation of pressure tubes, pumps, heat exchangers, valves, etc., without internal coatings for up to 90 days indoors. MVOil 800 provides protection for metal surfaces for up to 6 months outdoors.

Among other anti-corrosion solutions in maintenance is the MVDispenser, which modifies the atmosphere by saturating the medium to protect the load, and Woodactive, which treats wood to receive the load, leaving a protective layer on the surface of the box.


VCI Brazil’s anti-corrosion solutions to minimize the harsh conditions of wire drawing plants and add value to their products are presented in its V-active protective fluids, specifically for this segment. We highlight MVAqua 243LDW and MVAqua 580LDW, which provide high-quality finishing to wires, have bactericidal and fungicidal action, eliminating the degradation of the aqueous wire drawing bath, thereby minimizing costs associated with bath replacement and replenishment.

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